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Re: [cdt-dev] New plugins for the make builder

That all sounds great. Just so I am clear, 

> - pull builder out of cdt.core and move to new plugin.
> - create new nature for standard make.
So, the cbuilder will be associated with the new standard make nature, not 
the cnature, right?

> - move make builder options (ui page) to it own property page (currently 

> the build settings tab under C/C++ Project page.)
Don't forget the paths and symbols tab (or whatever equivalent you want to 
provide). We added that because the scanner clients require it from all 

> - move make view to new plugins
If you mean the CView, this decision has me stumped. What's the motivation 
for moving this file out of the internal UI package? Will other builder 
suppliers potentially replace this view? What's the mechanism for 
replacing it?

> - add the following new options for the builder.
>     - directory to run build command in.
>     - options to run build on auto, incremental or full.
>     - ability to specify the default build target for each build type 
> (auto/incremental/full) .
Stupid question, but you aren't thinking about changing the 
org.eclipse.cdt.core.CommandLauncher API to accommodate these new options, 

> - turn make actions into contributions (CView).
> - create new dialog to launch/create user-define targeted builds other 
> than 'all', 'clean' and 'clean all'
>      (Note would use an underlying public API so that the managed build 
> could add any targets it create on the project).
I am potentially very happy. How does this jive with what Gene Sally has 
done so far?

> - create a convert action for old project to move them to the new 
> nature/builder. (for backward compatibility)
> Thoughts, comments?

Great plan. If I might add one suggestion, we could reduce the 
out-of-the-box pain for users if the new project wizard for the standard 
builder generated a skeletal makefile with 'all' and 'clean' targets 
defined. Ping me if you want to discuss stuff further.

Sean Evoy
Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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