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[cdt-dev] Expanded CDT FAQ


I have collected the suggested questions and answers for an expanded CDT FAQ (thanks to all who supplied their $0.02 worth!) and added them to the existing FAQ in the sections and in the order that made most sense to me. Please have a look at the attached HTML file and provide any feedback, corrections, additional Q/A, etc. All of the new content has been marked with red text to make the deltas easily stand out.

A couple of specific things to point out:

For the new question "Can I debug remote targets?", the original answer was:

        " There is no specific support for downloading and contacting a remote target, but these things can be configured in the .gdbinit if the debugger is gdb.  The other option is that it is possible to write your own extended launch component which will contain the information needed to talk specifically with your target configuration."

A subsequent post provided a different suggested answer:

     "There is a specific support for remote targets. When you enter the debug window you can select GdbServer as debugger. Then the window information changes and you can enter the TCP-IP address and port of your target debug server or select the serial line."

I asked one of my colleagues here at IBM-Rational which one was correct, and he thought it was the second answer (that there is some form of support), so I went with that one at the risk of offending the original provider of the Q/A. If I've got it wrong, please let me know!

Also, there was a proposed question about how to compile source without having to understand makefiles. This points to the managed build functionality that is currently being developed for version 1.2 of the CDT, so I thought it best to hold off including this question (and answer) until this capability is available.

I look forward to any and all feedback, and I'll wait a day or two for it before replacing the FAQ that is currently on the CDT main page with this expanded one.


Kleo Hapitas
Program Manager
IBM Software Group - Rational
Tel: (613) 591 2913

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