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[cdt-dev] Build Model/Target Model Requirement

Picture a IBinToolProvider that looks like this:

public interface IBinToolProvider {
        public ITool addr2line();
        public ITool objdump();
        public ITool cppfilt();
        public ITool ...

I did have one other thing to add here (this is coming from the addr2line discussion). One of the things that has turned out in our usability testing is that folks want to be able to right click a C file and compile it, right then, right there, no makefile.

I personally think that this is a totally reasonable request that has impacts on the Build Model, Target Model in addition to the UI and concept of "current default build."

Does it go without saying? We also need to be able to support building the same project for different architecture targets. So one Target Model per workspace or project is "bad." :)


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