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Re: [cdi-dev] CDI Lite compatible extension lead

On 29. 09. 20 17:11, Laird Nelson wrote:
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 4:30 AM Matej Novotny <manovotn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Coming back from a PTO, there is tons of questions and messages so I will try my best to answer it although I might miss a things or two...

Welcome back.  I hope your time off was good.

My own personal bewilderment goes something like this:

There is some code here.  It clearly intends to solve some set of problems.  To my way of looking at it, that set of problems has never been clearly stated.  Nor have there been any use cases spelled out.  There have been some handwavy statements around "build time" and "CDI Lite"—even blog entries, but nothing rigorous.

What, in the simplest possible terms, are the motivating use cases?

So what are Portable Extensions use cases? :-)

I mean: the use cases for Build Compatible Extensions are basically Portable Extensions use cases. Perhaps some Portable Extensions use cases are so specific to runtime processing that they don't make sense at build time, and perhaps there are use cases at build time that don't make sense at runtime and hence aren't covered by Portable Extensions, but I do believe that they overlap in like 90 % or so (number just pulled out of a hat, so please don't assign it too much significance, hopefully you understand the point).


One of the jobs it seems to me of maintaining a decades-old specification is to change it only when necessary and even then as minimally as possible.  If we understand what the use cases are at a detailed level then we can see if something needs to change and/or how drastically.


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