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Re: [cdi-dev] CDI Lite compatible extension lead

Nice to see some traffic on the official Eclipse CDI dev list!

I don't want to supply "feedback" to the PR since I think it would be uninformed and premature: there isn't any domain or problem context I can find in the archives that it is addressing, and I think specification development is supposed to take place publicly on this email list.  But I'd like to ask some questions.

This PR clearly represents an effort to do something to CDI.  What is that something?

Are there goals?  Non-goals?  Use cases?  Developer and user roles?  A sketch of potential future revisions?

Clearly a lot of hard work and thought went into this pull request toward some end.  Why not on this list?  (NB: I'm a committer on the project and this activity caught me completely by surprise.  I always figured I'd learn about new specification-related activity by monitoring this email list.)

It is also indicated in the PR that there is more coming ("This PR is the API portion of that [prototype] repo.").  Is this "prototype" repo part of whatever effort is apparently underway?  In what way?  What is it going to prototype?  For what purposes?  Are there messages or discussions from this list I've missed?  I feel somewhat lost.


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