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Re: [cdi-dev] CDI TCK + Web Profile

Yes, but we have been waiting to verify the webprofile section of the cdi-tck on getting a glassfish6 milestone build. I have been building it locally to work through the bean-validation tck as it also runs against glassfish. Based on that, the current cdi-tck webprofile setup will not work at the arquillian-glassfish-managed container adaptor is out of date and needs updating. We had to do similar updates arquillian-core for the cdi-tck just to be able to run that portion of the cdi-tck. I'll probably start looking at getting the webprofile running against my local glassfish6 builds and weld next week.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 11:24 AM Brian M Decker <bmdecker@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ach. Apologies for the lack of subject line in the initial post, and the subsequent need to spam the list with a second post to clarify that, but I thought putting a subject on the conversation would be useful for anyone looking through the archives in the future.


Brian Decker
Rochester Blizzard
Jakarta Platform TCK Lead

Home Office
(612) 216-4881
Roch. Office
t/l 553-4686

Inactive hide details for "Brian M Decker" ---06/04/2020 11:15:46 AM---Does anyone here have experience running the CDI TCK for"Brian M Decker" ---06/04/2020 11:15:46 AM---Does anyone here have experience running the CDI TCK for Web Profile? Per the documentation, I'm su

From: "Brian M Decker" <bmdecker@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: cdi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 06/04/2020 11:15 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [cdi-dev] (no subject)
Sent by: cdi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Does anyone here have experience running the CDI TCK for Web Profile? Per the documentation, I'm supposed to exclude the 'javaee-full' tests from the suite, which I can do successfully, but it also seems to introduce some strange Arquillian failures in my Jakarta EE8 environment.

Three tests (out of the ~1650 that run) fail with something like this:
[ERROR] arquillianBeforeTest(org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.conversation.event.TransientConversationLifecycleEventTest) Time elapsed: 1.44 s <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not lookup value for field private org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.conversation.event.TransientConversationLifecycleEventTest.contextPath
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Provider for type class returned a null value: org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.impl.enricher.resource.URLResourceProvider@5082868e

In all three failures, the test in question has this:
private URL contextPath;

This differs from all of the working tests, which merely have:
private URL contextPath;

I am not enough of an Arquillian wizard to know why the difference in @ArquillianResource usage would matter or why merely running with an option to exclude additional tests would suddenly cause this test pattern to fail. Has anyone else tried to run this TCK in Web Profile mode and seen similar issues? If so, how did you resolve the problem?



Brian Decker
Rochester Blizzard
Jakarta Platform TCK Lead

Home Office
(612) 216-4881
Roch. Office
t/l 553-4686

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