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Re: [buckminster-dev] help with CVS

Hi Todd,
Well, if it cannot be done in one direction, perhaps we can go the other way.

I've set up a CVSNT server on my own host and I added the demo to that repository and made it accessible using anonymous access. You should be able to reach it with the following RMAP:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

	<searchPath name="default">
		<provider readerType="cvs" componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckminster" source="true">
			<uri format=":pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxx:/cvsroot/test,{0}">
				<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />

	<locator searchPathRef="default" pattern="^org\.demo\..*" />
	<redirect href=""; pattern=".*"/>

I have no problems resolving and materializing this. Perhaps you can verify that this repository has the same structure as yours?

- thomas

Todd_Lee@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hey Thomas,

Just to follow up, that's a no-go on the repo access - sorry, but I'm sure
you understand corporate policy ;)
By all means though, let me know if there's something that I can test
locally. We're quite focused on trying to get some infrastructure in place
for our build, so you can consider me at your disposal if it helps us
resolve our issues.

Thanks again,


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