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[bpel-dev] Exploiter for the BPEL Designer

Hi all,

I just noticed that BEA is using and shipping the BPEL Designer as part of
their AquaLogic Offering.
Apparently there wasn't an official notice so far to the mailing list, but
I didn't want to keep that information from you ..

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Simon Moser, M.Eng.

 Websphere Integration       Mail:           IBM Deutschland Entwicklung  
 Developer Development       smoser@xxxxxx.  GmbH                         
 Team Lead BPEL Editor       com             Vorsitzender des             
 Dept. 4722, Bldg.           Phone:          Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter 
 71032-01, Room 086          +49-7031-16-43  Geschäftsführung: Herbert    
 Websphere Solutions and     04              Kircher                      
 Services                    Fax:            Sitz der Gesellschaft:       
 IBM Deutschland             +49-7031-16-48  Böblingen                    
 Entwicklung GmbH            90              Registergericht: Amtsgericht 
 Schönaicherstr. 220, D –                    Stuttgart, HRB 243294        
 71032 Boeblingen                                                         

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