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RE: [bpel-dev] FromParts and ToParts commited

Hi Oleg,

uncheck the "Use from Part Mapping" checkbox, then the regular "Choose
Variable" thing appers


Simon Moser, M.Eng.

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             "Danilov, Oleg V"                                             
   >                                                  To 
             Sent by:                  "BPEL Designer project developer    
             bpel-dev-bounces@         discussions."                       
             26.11.2007 16:41                                      Subject 
                                       RE: [bpel-dev] FromParts and        
                                       ToParts commited                    
             Please respond to                                             
              "BPEL Designer                                               
             project developer                                             

Hi Michael,

> In the property pages I tried to reuse the "combo-box widgets" Michal
> introduce for Partner, Operation and Variable in InvokeImplSection.

I wonder how to choose variable in this widget?

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