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Re: [bpel-dev] request about changing jar files' directory

Hi Sam,

you are correct. Having them in the bin directory is not a thing that still
needs to be. This is some legacy. Therefore, we should move the plugins to
be single jar OSGI bundles. Pls. open a bugzilla for that.
The second question you had was about a build script: Try to check you a
plugin called *.bpel.releng - that does the build stuff.


Simon Moser, M.Eng.

 Websphere Integration       Mail:           IBM Deutschland Entwicklung  
 Developer Development       smoser@xxxxxx.  GmbH                         
 Team Lead BPEL Editor       com             Vorsitzender des             
 Dept. 4722, Bldg.           Phone:          Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter 
 71032-01, Room 086          +49-7031-16-43  Geschäftsführung: Herbert    
 Websphere Solutions and     04              Kircher                      
 Services                    Fax:            Sitz der Gesellschaft:       
 IBM Deutschland             +49-7031-16-48  Böblingen                    
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 Schönaicherstr. 220, D –                    Stuttgart, HRB 243294        
 71032 Boeblingen                                                         

             sam wang                                                      
             >                                                          To 
             Sent by:                  bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                
             bpel-dev-bounces@                                          cc 
                                       [bpel-dev] request about changing   
             14.11.2007 18:49          jar files' directory                
             Please respond to                                             
              "BPEL Designer                                               
             project developer                                             

Dear friends,

Please correct me if I am wrong. I don't understand why the jar files in
the deployable download
package (not from cvs) is in "bin" directory after extraction. I don't
think it is a necessary
requirement for a plug-in under Eclipse 3.3. I wonder if you could get rid
of "bin" directory
since there is such directory if the jar files are exported from Eclipse.
(I mean after I modify
some source code through Eclipse and then export it to jar file). I think
it will be much easier
to package the whole project.

By the way, any suggestions about my last email about how to develop
Eclipse BPEL efficiently? for
example, is there an ant script to automatic package the whole project
after modifying some source
code? how to test the modification without installing it and creating a
BPEL file? (no compile
error does not mean the project will work)



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