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[birt-dev] Fix bug 132063 Generated HTML reports are not portable


Fix bug 132063 Generated HTML reports are not portable


- Bugzilla Bug(s)



- Description:

If image handler is not provided, HTMLCompleteImageHandler will be used as

default image handler.


If use doesn't provide the report output file, report will be render into

"report.html" under current working folder of user.


If image folder is not provided, it will be same with the folder into which the

report will be rendered.


When the options provided by user satisfy following conditions, the image

source in the report output file will be a relative path, that's to say,


       1. report output file is provided.

and 2.    (i) image folder is provided and image folder is a relative path.

         or (ii) image folder is not provided, then image folder will be

considered as ".".


Otherwise, an absolute path will be output as the image source.


- Tests Description:

Manuel Test.


- Notes to Build Team:


- Notes to Developers:


- Notes to QA:


- Notes to Documentation:


- Files Edited:



- Files Added:


-Jun Ouyang


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