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Re: [basyx-dev] How to use BaSys40.Component.REST ?!

Dear BaSyx development team,

Hi all,
Since my question was so ambiguous, please let me correct the content of 
my question.

Well, I am trying to get the Basyx CSNET SDK example to work, but it has 

The SDK itself was successfully built. Next, I want to build and run a 
Hello World Example project, but it seems that this sample project doesn't 
exist into the Solution folder.
Is anyone can let me known where this is?

Hello World Example

To get your first Asset Administation Shell up and running, do the 
1. In Solution Explorer expand "Examples" folder
2. Right-click on HelloAssetAdministationShell-Project
Are these things  wrong?
I can not find "Examples" folder.

Best regards, and thank you for your help.
Yukishige Yoshida.

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