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[aspectj-users] Override @GeneratedValue annotation with AspectJ

Hi everyone I'm new here! And need to solve a doubt with aspectj.

Here is my "problem":

Override @GeneratedValue annotation with AspectJ

Override annotated values with aspectj file


I'm generating an annotation to set a defined sequenceValue to an id field for an Entity in Postgres DDBB.

I've been looking in AspectJ documentation:

  - [url="" href="">] notations-decp.html#declare-precedence[/url]

to apply precende rules between aspects.

I've created a new aspect applying the precedence rules and adding annotations to fields:

privileged aspect Person_Company_generated_id {

    declare precedence: Person_Company_generated_id, Person_Roo_Entity;
    declare @field: * : @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="PersonSeq");
    declare @field: * : @SequenceGenerator(name="PersonSeq",sequenceName="PERSON_SEQ", allocationSize=500, initialValue=601);

The aspect generated [i]Person_Roo_Entity[/i] defines the annotation in the id attribute:
     @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

This only works if I remove the @GeneratedValue annotation from [i]Person_Roo_Entity[/i].

These rules can't override the behaviour of the @GeneratedValue annotation with the attributes that I redefined.

What I'm doing wrong?How can I override the behaviour/definition of @GeneratedValue with Aspects? is the preference wrong defined? Exists another way to override a sequence to an identifier with aspects?

* JDK-1.5.0_07
* PostgreSQL 8.3.8
* AspectJ 1.6.9.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

Thanks for your time.

Best regards...

I've posted into:

Ricardo García Fernández

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