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Re: [aspectj-users] AspectJ iajc ant tasks issue

Looks like you need to specify the 1.5 compiler level in the Ant iajc
call, as that is required to enable autoboxing (long>Long conversion).
 I think it is source="-1.5"


On 2 March 2010 14:17, saadbin abid <saad.softwareengineer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello AspectJ users,
> I am currently working with AspectJ project Implementation. I am executing
> implementation configuration by using "Run as " within Eclipse it works fine
> but when I execute the same configuration using “Ant Script” it is giving me
> iajc errors like type casting errors (example below)
> In Implementation we have implementation class “” with in the
> code
>       public Long isInteger() {
>             if (imaginary() == 0) {
>                   long l = (long) real();
>                   if (l == real())
>                         return l; // error at this line
>             }
>             return null;
>       }
> Error message after running an “Ant Script”
> [iajc] error at return l;
>      [iajc]
>      [iajc]
> C:\galileo-genemayde-OaW\eclipse-Galileo\eclipse\workspace\ie.lero.spl.aml.examples.scicalc.minimal2.implementation\src\jscicalc\complex\
> Type mismatch: cannot convert from long to Long
> So it looks like the behaviour is different between
> 1) executing the calculator from within Eclipse
> 2) running the "iajc" ant task
> Questions/Challenges:
> How can we resolve above mentioned challenge and run same configuration
> using an Ant Script?
> Am I missing something?
> best regards
> --
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