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Re: [aspectj-dev] Testing AspectJ against JDK 8 EA builds

Hi Andy,

Thanks for your reply.

Glad to hear you have had no issues so far. As I mentioned we are very close
to releasing JDK 8 , bugs found at this late stage may be fixed in an update
release. If you do get to test another build, please let us know your results.

Rgds, Rory
On 01/17/14 10:26 PM, Andy Clement wrote:
Hi Rory,

I'm the project lead for AspectJ - I have been running the AspectJ test suite against one or two Java8 builds. I think the last time I did it was around b97, which I know was before the proper freeze.  I am also a developer on the Eclipse Java8 JDT compiler. AspectJ is an extension to the Eclipse Java8 compiler so in many ways if the Eclipse compiler is behaving ok then AspectJ will behave OK. There *could* be issues with the AspectJ weaving process producing bytecode that a Java8 VM cannot correctly verify but so far I've had no issues come in that I would put down to Java8.

I expect to be doing another round of testing in a month or so when I upgrade AspectJ to a more recent version of the Eclipse compiler in preparation for Java 8 releasing.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have to test other versions in the interim.


On 17 January 2014 08:50, Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland <rory.odonnell@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am from the OpenJDK Quality Group at Oracle.  I am working with Open Source projects
that are testing JDK 8 Early Access builds (either those published by Oracle, or their own)
and I would like to encourage more of it to happen.

I am looking for a contact person who is interested in working with me , sharing your test
experiences and any issues uncovered by testing AspectJ with JDK 8 EA builds. I expect this
will be of benefit to both communities. 

We are now very late in the release cycle of JDK 8 , issues found late may be postponed to
an Update Release.

Rgds,  Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

aspectj-dev mailing list

Rory O'Donnell

Senior Quality Engineering Manager
Java Platform Group
Oracle EMEA , Block P5,
East Point Business Park, Dublin 3
Phone: +353 (0)1 8033887 

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