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[aspectj-dev] Testing AspectJ against JDK 8 EA builds


I am from the OpenJDK Quality Group at Oracle.  I am working with Open Source projects
that are testing JDK 8 Early Access builds (either those published by Oracle, or their own)
and I would like to encourage more of it to happen.

I am looking for a contact person who is interested in working with me , sharing your test
experiences and any issues uncovered by testing AspectJ with JDK 8 EA builds. I expect this
will be of benefit to both communities. 

We are now very late in the release cycle of JDK 8 , issues found late may be postponed to
an Update Release.

Rgds,  Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

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