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Re: [aspectj-dev] Out of memory

Maybe try with a bit less thatn 912M? How much memory do you have?  I find
for nearly all my projects:

eclipse -vmargs -Xmx512M

is enough.

For the build configuration update error - can you tell me what version of
eclipse and what version of AJDT you are using - also in the error log for
eclipse, is there an exception logged when the problem occurs?


             Jephté Ngonga                                           
             e>                                                         To
             Sent by:                  AspectJ developer discussions   
             aspectj-dev-bounc         <aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>       
             es@xxxxxxxxxxx                                             cc
             20/06/2005 08:48          Re: [aspectj-dev] Out of memory 
             Please respond to                                         
             AspectJ developer                                         

with this configuration:

eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx912M
I become this error: could not create the java virtual machine.

What about this Error :
(Error: An internal error occured  during:
"Build configuration update".) ???


Andrew Clement wrote:

>Unless you put '-vmargs' between 'eclipse' and '-Xmx' I believe it will
>ignore the setting you are specifying.  Can you try with
>eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx912M

>             Jephté Ngonga

>             <jngonga@neusta.d

>             e>                                                         To

>             Sent by:                  AspectJ developer discussions

>             aspectj-dev-bounc         <aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

>             es@xxxxxxxxxxx                                             cc


>                                                                   Subject

>             20/06/2005 08:31          Re: [aspectj-dev] Out of memory



>             Please respond to

>             AspectJ developer

>                discussions

>             <aspectj-dev@ecli

>       >



>Hi Andrew,
>my prpject ist  very large (10 MB )
>During converting  i become first this  error:
>Build configuration update (Error: An internal error occured  during:
>"Build configuration update".)
>i start eclipse with this configuration:
>eclipse.exe -Xmx912m
>Andrew Clement wrote:
>      Hi,
>      How large is your project?  Typically when working with AspectJ
>      projects at
>      the moment you need to increase the amount of memory available to
>      Eclipse -
>      the default is quite low.  You can do this by starting eclipse as
>      follows:
>      eclipse -vmargs -Xmx256M
>      cheers,
>      Andy.
>      ---
>      Andy Clement
>      AspectJ Dev
>      clemas@xxxxxxxxxx
>                   Jephté Ngonga
>                   <jngonga@neusta.d
>                   e>
>      To
>                   Sent by:                  aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>                   aspectj-dev-bounc
>      cc
>                   es@xxxxxxxxxxx
>      Subject
>                                             [aspectj-dev] Out of memory
>                   20/06/2005 07:50
>                   Please respond to
>                   AspectJ developer
>                      discussions
>                   <aspectj-dev@ecli
>             >
>      Hi,
>      wenn i convert a java Project to  AspectJ Project and i try to buil
>      it i
>      always  become a OutOfMemoryError .
>      What's wrong?
>      Thx
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