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Re: [aspectj-dev] classes without package

Hi Alex -

You're right - those are our conventions!

Are there specific source files you'd like to move?

It is our policy to avoid the default package. One official exception 
is in testsrc code, we require modules/{foo}/testsrc/{foo}, 
which does not collide with other modules.  An unofficial exception 
is code that I believe is compiled by a test itself, limited to 
weaver/testsrc (these should perhaps go into weaver/testdata).

It's also our policy to avoid circular dependencies between modules;
the ant builder was written to gack on them, as will Eclipse.  I should
add, however, that if you put any code in modules/{foo}/src/ that requires 
JUnit, eclipse will compile happily but the Ant build will fail, since we 
don't want JUnit dependencies in released code.

Sorry that we don't seem to have written these down anywhere.
Please make a note of things that we need to document for new 


> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Alexandre Vasseur <avasseur@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Fri, Feb-25-2005 2:11 AM
> Subject: [aspectj-dev] classes without package
> Hi
> It happens that there is many classes with "no package" in the code
> base, and this can lead to duplicate classes when working with the
> code base under IDEA, that you cannot configure to have mulitple
> "projects" (modules in IDEA) due to circular dependancies between each
> one.
> I am wondering if we could try to follow a simple convention like
> modules/xxx/src/<package>
> modules/xxx/testsrc/<package>  [same package]
> This conventions seems already in place for most of the code base.
> Off course, for some very limited cases, it makes sense to have a no
> package class as test data, but I don't consider it to be the general
> case.
> Thoughts ?
> Alex
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