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Re: [asciidoc-wg] Localization of AsciiDoc content

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 09:10:13AM +0100, Robert Kratky wrote:
> Hi,
> As Red Hat has transitioned to AsciiDoc for most of its docs, we're faced with questions regarding content translation. With DocBook, the tight structure and semanticity made it straightforward for our l10n teams.
> However, our l10n tooling is not ready for AsciiDoc. I'd like to ask whether there are other organizations dealing with this. Specifically:
> English AsciiDoc -> Translated AsciiDoc -> Translated output (HTML, or whatever)
> (As opposed to translating the HTML output.)

We, the KiCad translation team (a CERN supported project), use po4a to
have multilingual translation of the asciidoc KiCad documentation




Marco Ciampa

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