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[andmore-dev] Android for Maven Eclipse going UNMAINTAINED

Dear All,

After 5+ years of development work I’m putting Android for Maven Eclipse (m2e-android) into unmaintained mode.

Unfortunately, time constraints prevent me from giving m2e-android the kind of attention it needs, not just to stay maintained and compatible with API changes (in m2e, the ADT, the Eclipse Project *and* Maven itself) but to add new features which this plugin sorely needs. Also, the hostility and lack of upstream support this project receives reduces motivation.

If anyone would like to take over maintenance of m2e-android I’d be happy to give contributor access, or redirect or link to a new project. Just get in touch with your proposal

I’ll also be putting the Patreon campaign to bed and cancelling everyone’s generous patronages.

Thanks once again to all the other contributors that have helped support m2e-android, including (but not limited to) Hugo Josefson, Manfred Moser, Anthony Dahanne, Mykola Nikishov, Benoit Billington, David Carver and, of course, Csaba Kozák. It has been a valuable learning experience working with amazing developers from across the globe.

All the best with your own endeavours.



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