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Re: [ajdt-dev] patch proposal for AJDT build files

#: Matt Chapman changed the world a bit at a time by saying on  11/23/2005 3:57 PM :#
Hi Alex,

Thanks for your patch, I've just put in a slightly modified version of
it. Rather than creating a new file, I've added the
properties directly to the build.xml (commented out by default).

Thanks for update Matt. I haven't seen the new version, but it looks like if I want to build it locally i will still need to have the build.xml not-synched with the remote one. My suggestion was working with a .properties file, this allowing to have the build.xml always synched with the CVS, but also be able to customize your local settings.


.w( the_mindstorm )p.

I've also updated the "Creating an update site" section in the FAQ
with information about this process.



On 23/11/05, Alexandru Popescu <the.mindstorm.mailinglist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Matt!

Do you know anything about the status of the submitted build patch? Is it in or is it gonna be?

thanks in advance,

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

#: Matt Chapman changed the world a bit at a time by saying on  11/18/2005 11:47 AM :#
> Alex,
> We should not change the build.xml files directly, except for the
> toplevel one in the UpdateSite project. This is because they are
> generated by AJDT's own "Create Ant Build File with AspectJ Support"
> functionality. This allows us to easily regenerate the build files
> when we move to building on a different version of eclipse. We can of
> course change the files generated by changing the AJDT function
> itself, but then the files generated have to be appropriate in the
> general case, not specific to building AJDT.
> The location of the ajde and weaver jars is defined in terms of the
> aspectj.plugin.home and aspectj.weaver.home properties, and so these
> could be set by the toplevel build.xml in UpdateSite. This would
> indeed simplify the process of building an update site off the build
> machine, as the paths would only need to be changed in one place.
> Regards,
> Matt.
> On 17/11/05, Alexandru Popescu <the.mindstorm.mailinglist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I would like to propose a possible patch for the AJDT build.xml files, but I want to let you know
>> before doing it and to find out your feeling about it.
>> Mainly it is meant to solve 2 of the problems I was facing while trying to build AJDT. The current
>> behavior is to be preserved as default values.
>> So, the patch would contain roughly the following changes:
>> 1/ a customizable placed under UpdateSite subproject.
>> It would be used to define the following 3 properties:
>> - aspectj.plugin.home => used to pick the ajde.jar
>> - aspectj.weaver.home => used to pick aspectjweaver.jar
>> - eclipse.jars.home => used to pick the jar dependencies from Eclipse
>> 2/ build.xml changes:
>> the only changes to be made inside each build.xml are the following:
>> <property file="../UpdateSite/" />
>> <property name="aspectj.plugin.home" value="default_value_here" />
>> <property name="aspectj.weaver.home" value="default_value_here" />
>> <property name="eclipse.jars.home" value="../.." /> <!-- this is the current default value -->
>> and than all references inside <forkclasspath> would be prefixed with ${eclipse.jars.home}.
>> There is also a simplification possible against pasteing this ${eclipse.jars.home} in so many places:
>> <forkclasspath>
>>         <fileset dir="${eclipse.jars.home}/plugins">
>>                 <include name="..." />
>>         </fileset>
>> </forkclasspath>
>> The benefit of applying these changes are at least to me obvious:
>> - you will have a single location to provide the versions of aspectj plugin, weaver and also eclipse
>> - everybody would be able to build without needing to checkout the sources in a specified location
>> and/or modify the set of build.xml
>> If you agree with this patch, I can definitely do the changes immediately in all build.xml-s and
>> submit it (whatever format you like: either like a unified patch file, or as new build.xml files).
>> Please let me know what do you think
>> ./alex
>> --
>> .w( the_mindstorm )p.

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