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[ajdt-dev] patch proposal for AJDT build files


I would like to propose a possible patch for the AJDT build.xml files, but I want to let you know before doing it and to find out your feeling about it.

Mainly it is meant to solve 2 of the problems I was facing while trying to build AJDT. The current behavior is to be preserved as default values.

So, the patch would contain roughly the following changes:

1/ a customizable placed under UpdateSite subproject.

It would be used to define the following 3 properties:

- aspectj.plugin.home => used to pick the ajde.jar
- aspectj.weaver.home => used to pick aspectjweaver.jar
- eclipse.jars.home => used to pick the jar dependencies from Eclipse

2/ build.xml changes:

the only changes to be made inside each build.xml are the following:

<property file="../UpdateSite/" />
<property name="aspectj.plugin.home" value="default_value_here" />
<property name="aspectj.weaver.home" value="default_value_here" />
<property name="eclipse.jars.home" value="../.." /> <!-- this is the current default value -->

and than all references inside <forkclasspath> would be prefixed with ${eclipse.jars.home}.

There is also a simplification possible against pasteing this ${eclipse.jars.home} in so many places:

	<fileset dir="${eclipse.jars.home}/plugins">
		<include name="..." />

The benefit of applying these changes are at least to me obvious:
- you will have a single location to provide the versions of aspectj plugin, weaver and also eclipse
- everybody would be able to build without needing to checkout the sources in a specified location and/or modify the set of build.xml

If you agree with this patch, I can definitely do the changes immediately in all build.xml-s and submit it (whatever format you like: either like a unified patch file, or as new build.xml files).

Please let me know what do you think

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

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