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[ajdt-dev] building AJDT - final notes


I think I finally got it working. So, for other people trying this adventure here are my notes (considering that you are already able to build AspectJ - this is happening exactly as described in the docs):

1/ check out the modules

2/ go to org.aspectj.ajde and create Inside define the variable:

aspectj.lib.dir=<path to where AspectJ has built the jars>

3/ run in org.aspectj.ajde:
	ant ajdejar

(This is repackaging aspectj related jars in the way AJDT uses them)

4/ manually copy the aspectjweaver.jar and aspectjrt.jar to the org.aspectj.weaver, respectively

5/ go inside every build.xml (at least those of the plugins) and fix these lines:

<property name="aspectj.plugin.home" 	value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>
<property name="aspectj.weaver.home" value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.weaver_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>

by making them point to correct location containing ajde.jar, respectively aspectjweaver.jar

6/ go to UpdateSite (Eclipse project name: org.eclipse.aspectj.updatesite) and run ant target:

(You should be assured that the Ant is running in the same JVM as Eclipse - not sure if this is really needed and why)

7/ you should finally obtain the zip

_Another very important note_: if you checked out the AJDT modules somewhere else than the Eclipse workspace, than you will need to have the required jars in a directory: ..\..\plugins (relative to UpdateSite directory)

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

ps1: I am not a hacker; so I have spent almost a whole day to figure out the above.

ps2: some are saying that by just droping the news AJ jars into an existing AJDT plugin, you will have it still working; some are saying this is not gonna work

ps3: the link: is good to understand in big lines what should checkout

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