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Re: [ajdt-dev] what is the @dot?

Hi Alex,

@dot is the directory used to output the classes to, for those plugins
which end up as single JAR files.

I think your problems 2 and 3 are both because those paths mentioned
do not exist in your environment. The build machine is very exact in
the version of AspectJ it uses to build AJDT, so either you need to
install that exact version yourself, or you need to update the build
scripts. You can either do that manually, or by right-click on each
one (just the AspectJ projects, not the plain Java ones)  in turn and
selecting "create ant build file with AspectJ support".

If you just want to pick up AspectJ fixes, the easiest thing would be
to drop the JARs into an existing AJDT install, rather than build AJDT
itself. Alternatively if you just want to try out something, you could
stay in eclipse and launch a runtime workspace.



On 17/11/05, Alexandru Popescu <the.mindstorm.mailinglist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi!
> Still trying ... I think I have figured out what the problems might be:
> 1/ nothing gets built in the @dot directory
> 2/ this can be seen in all build.xml:
>                 <property name="aspectj.plugin.home" value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>
>                 <property name="aspectj.weaver.home" value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.weaver_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>
>                 <taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
>                         <classpath>
>                                 <pathelement path="${aspectj.plugin.home}/ajde.jar"/>
>                                 <pathelement path="${aspectj.weaver.home}/aspectjweaver.jar"/>
>                         </classpath>
>                 </taskdef>
> Those paths _do not exist_.
> 3/ sometimes I am seeing this error:
>         [echo] Running @dot on visualizer.
>          [echo]
>         [mkdir] Created dir:
> D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.eclipse.contribution.visualiser\temp-folder\@dot.bin
>          [iajc] forking [C:\java\jdks\jdk1.5.0_05\jre\bin\javaw.exe, -Xmx512m, -classpath,
> D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.aspectj.runtime\aspectjrt.jar;D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.aspectj.ajde\ajde.jar;D:\workspace\java\cvsprojects\eclipse\org.eclipse.ajdt\AJDT_src\org.aspectj.weaver\aspectjweaver.jar,
>, -argfile, D:\java\jed\eclipse_3.1.1\argfile25237]
>          [iajc] unexpected exception
>          [iajc]
>          [iajc] Exception thrown from AspectJ DEVELOPMENT
>          [iajc] This might be logged as a bug already -- find current bugs at
>          [iajc]
>          [iajc] Bugs for exceptions thrown have titles File:line from the top stack,
>          [iajc] e.g., ""
>          [iajc] If you don't find the exception below in a bug, please add a new bug
>          [iajc] at
>          [iajc] To make the bug a priority, please include a test program
>          [iajc] that can reproduce this exception.
>          [iajc] org/eclipse/core/runtime/OperationCanceledException
>          [iajc] org/eclipse/core/runtime/OperationCanceledException
>          [iajc] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/core/runtime/OperationCanceledException
>          [iajc]         at org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.AjdtCommand.runCommand(
>          [iajc]         at
>          [iajc]         at
>          [iajc]         at
> I really need some help. Any hints and guidance is highly appreciated.
> ./alex
> --
> .w( the_mindstorm )p.
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