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Re: [ajdt-dev] building AspectJ + AJDT

Rafal Krzewski <Rafal.Krzewski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote on 14/03/2005 13:28:07:
> Side note regarding java editor / aj editor split: aspectj supports 
> declaring pointcuts and inner aspects inside java classes/interfaces. 
> This provides quite elegant means of implementing the Participant 
> pattern defined by Ramnivas in his book.  As I understand these 
> constructs won't be supported by AJDT - JDT Java editor will complain 
> about them, no content assist will be available etc. even though they 
> will compile correctly. OTOH Java5 annotations provide much cleaner way 
> of implementing that patters, so this problem is probably low priority 
> for now.

This is supported by AJDT. The rule is that .java files and the JDT Java 
editor should only be used for plain Java, and so if you want to use any 
AspectJ constructs, such as aspects or pointcuts then you should switch to 
.aj files and the AspectJ editor. The AspectJ editor extends the Java 
editor, so you could if you want use .aj files for everything.



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