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RE: [ajdt-dev] annotation provider for cross-reference view

"Wes Isberg" <wes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 03/02/2005 17:42:58:
> Sorry; for "annotation" read "Java 5 annotation".  This doesn't have
> anything to do with shadows or aspects.
> i.e., the cross-reference view takes pluggable providers.  A provider 
> for Java 5 annotations would identify for each annotation type the
> java elements it annotates.
> Does that make more sense?
> (And it sounds like no one's working on it.)
> Wes

No-one here is working on it. Were you thinking of doing so?

It does sound interesting, we have imagined having providers for various 
Java relationships, such as "implements", but "annotates" seems like a 
more useful one.

Given that there is only one provider at the moment, there isn't much 
support for managing multiple providers and switching between them (or 
allowing multiple providers to be active at the same time), but this would 
be straightforward to add (and probably needs a second provider to drive 


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