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Re: [ajdt-dev] adding aspects to external jars

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[quote Steve Gollery::on 1/25/2005 1:52 AM]
| I'm just starting with ajdt and ran into something I could use some help
| with. I'd like to attach aspects to classes in external jar files, but I
| can't figure out how to make it work.
| In the Aspect Visualization perspective, the jar I want to use is on the
| project list. I can right click on it and select new...aspect, then set
| the package in the wizard and enter a name for the aspect. Then I edit
| the aspect to add a pointcut on the execution of one of the methods of a
| class in that package of the jar file, and advice to execute when the
| method is called. This all compiles with no errors or warnings.
| But the advice never executes. Since this very simple advice following
| the same pattern as the "hello world" tutorial, I don't think there's
| anything wrong with the code:
| package com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology;
| public aspect OntologyAspect {
| 	pointcut onReadModel() : execution(*;
| 	before() : onReadModel() { System.out.println("reading the model"); }
| }
| Is it possible to write aspects that advise methods in external jar
| files? Or is there something else I need to do to set it up?
| Thanks in advance,
| Steven Gollery
| _______________________________________________
| ajdt-dev mailing list
| ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
I guess what are you looking for is best described here:

- --

ps: i guess that aspectj-users mailing list is more suited for this types of questions ;-).
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