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[adoptium-wg] Early Bird Alert: Grab Early Bird Rates for Open Community for Java

Hi dear Adoptium Community,

The can’t-miss event for our Java communities is coming up! Open Community for Java (OCJ) is collocated at our all-new flagship event, Open Community Experience (OCX) 2024 happening from 22-24 October in Mainz, Germany. This is a great opportunity to meet, collaborate with and learn from other Java professionals who are at the top of their fields. Register before 23 September to save up to €125 with early bird pricing!

OCJ is featuring a world-class line up of speakers with over a dozen talks dedicated to innovative and forward-thinking Java topics. Here are a few of the talks I’m excited for:

Eclipse ❤ Java

Hendrik Ebbers, CEO at Open Elements

"Why Spring Matters to Jakarta EE - and Vice Versa"

Ivar Grimstad, Jakarta EE Developer Advocate at Eclipse Foundation

"LLangChain4J: Supercharging Jakarta EE apps with AI"

Luqman Saeed, Technical Writer at Payara Services Ltd

And there are many more talks to choose from!

Check out the full agenda

Join your fellow Open Source community members this October in Mainz, Germany-- a picturesque city nestled along the Rhine River. Known for its rich history, vibrant taverns and restaurants,, and stunning views, Mainz offers the perfect setting for a week of collaboration, learning, and fun.

Reserve your early bird spot

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to reach out. Need help convincing your manager to approve attendance? Check out our helpful guide. We look forward to seeing you in Mainz! 




Tanja Obradović

Sr. Manager, Java Programs | Eclipse Foundation

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