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Re: [adoptium-wg] Adoptium Marketplace Policy

On 10/06/2021 15:00, Gil Tene wrote:
Some notes/comments:

1. "Inclusion in the marketplace is open to all members at no cost to the provider" contradicts the later "Provide evidence that the producer is a Strategic or Enterprise member of the Adoptium Working Group". Assuming the latter is correct, should amend the former.

Thank you. Good catch. I have updated the first statement to read "Inclusion in the marketplace is open to all strategic and enterprise members at no cost to the provider ..."

2. Marketplace mechanics question/discussion:
[TDLR: I think the marketplace shoudl list download pages and not binaries, and that we need to push download page management contenst to the individual distros]

We need to determine if the marketplace will

a) list specific immutable versions of products (via e.g. links to specific binaries)

The marketplace is intended to showcase the specific immutable versions that each vendor is promoting, with information about where a user/script can get it.


b) lists product locations that *only* include specific immutable versions of binaries that meet the marketplace criteria.

While (a) [which is what is currently described, I think], seemingly keeps the question of "how do we know a location *only* includes binaries that meet the marketplace criteria, I believe that it is logistically problematic for multipel reasons:

1. Publication of new binaries: each distro will e.g. need to publish 10s or 100s of new binaries each quarter), and access to of those new binaries needs to urgently occur once the binaries are first made publicly visible. It will take us time (probably beyind what we have) to create a working mechanism that wouild allow marketplace members to "feed" the markletplace with the information needed to auto-populate the marketplace entries with no little human intervention.

Agreed. While it would not be invalid to market old binaries, we'd prefer to feature the latest versions that are being promoted each quarter.

Having the marketplace website and API data-driven rather than manually updated makes complete sense.

We will also be maintaining a list of all specific runtimes that have been approved to use the Adoptium brand - we'll need that to protect the use of the brand.

2. The complexity of the marketplace contents, and the need to present it and navigate through it:

    - For each participating distribution, the number of binaries to
    include, navigate through will be large:

        -  for each "major version" (e.g. Java SE 11) of such a
        participating distribution, there will be a large number of
        upodate levels [at least one per quarter for most distros], each
        with a lage number of individual binaries (e.g. matrices around
        target OS/cpu combinations, package and installer types [tar.gz,
        zip, dmg, pkg rpm, deb, msi, apk, …], package scope

        - some of the "axes" in the matrix may be specific to a
        distribution or a version (e.g. some distributions or versions
        may only provide jdks, while other may also provide jres, or
        jdks packaged with openjfx. e.g. some distributions may provide
        aarch32 OpenJDK 8 builds for alpine linux musl libc, while other
        may on support x86-64 on glibc platforms).

    - Terminology, versioning, naming, branding:
    - Each distribution may have existing and somewhat variant
    terminology for things like "package", "installer", "target", "OS",
    "cpu architecture", "update", "PSU", …
    - Each distribution may have existing and variant of grammer/syntax
    requirements in describing a specific binary package and the way it
    relates to a set of such packages.
    - Each distributiion may have existing and variant versioning
    schemes (e.g. some distros employ a distro-specific version
    structure in addition to the OpenJDK JEP322 version structure, while
    others do JEP322-only, and yet others use distro-=specific-only]

- Providing a marketplace browsing mechanism that would navigate all of these using a common structure, options/columns, terminology, etc. (or ones that would adjust for each distro's vriant use of these things) will likely be challenging. While some common denominator may be constructable over time, we likely don't have the time to get to one before we want our first MVP marketplace to be up and running.

It will be useful to an end user to be able to select as specifically as possible. There are examples in the current selection mechanism that filter the Adopt* builds and will be applied to the Temurin binaries; and the experience of the foojay disco API to work with.

I think there are big categories that we can get to by the MVP (major Java API version, CPU architecture, etc) that will allow for some filtering and browsing specificity. Let's not throw out the idea too early. Just saying "We hear VendorX has some eligible binaries over there" isn't very friendly. :-)

I therefore believe that (b) above is the more likely path for a succesful MVP marketplace in the near term. This (b) option would involve "trusting" the places that links in the marketplace point to (e.g. a link to a place where you can get marketplace-criteria-meeting binaries of VendorX Java SE 11 builds) to "only include" only binaries that meet the marketplace criteria. We'd need to define what "only include" means in a way that is reasonable, easy to meet, and fits with or enables the real-world behaviors for download pages of various distros. E.g. it is clear that we would want such a place to not mix marketplace-criteria-meeting binaries with ones that are not (e.g. EA builds, daily non-TCK-tested builds, non-AQAvit-certified builds) in a common list. But we would probably be fine with the "place" being part of or having links to other locations or sites as long as those links do not imply that those are part of the matkletplace contents.

I think this is fraught with problems, and nearly impossible to police.
As you point out we already need to trust that vendors won't be deliberately confusing end users by hosting "marketplace-criteria-meeting" and non-marketplace-criteria-meeting binaries in a way that is difficult to distinguish.

How do you define the acceptable number of "degrees of separation" between offerings? Is it ok to have different sections on a single page, one click away, etc etc.

The only thing we can really control is the Eclipse property, and that means the Adoptium Marketplace (website and API) and the Adoptium Trademarks. In practise, that translates to *only listing* those runtimes that meet our criteria, and *only licencing* use of the trademarks to runtimes that meet our criteria.

Part of our responsibility is to ensure users are aware that "if it doesn't carry the Adoptium brand, then it is not an Adoptium quality runtime".

We might ask/strongly suggest vendors to avoid mixing branded and unbranded runtimes - I don't see that we could write down a clear enforceable agreement. As a vendor I'm not going to agree to constraints on products that don't overlap with Adoptium's area of responsibility.

IMO setting a [policy for what an acceptable "Eclipse Adpotium Marketplace download page" would be, and allowing marketplace members to edit those pages as needed, under their control, would be the most practical way to provide a good marketplace in the near term. Distros would be responsible for maintaining a separate location for such a download page (with the contents at that location  meeting the criteria and policies), but will be able to add and remove binaries as needed, and edit and update the page as needed. If a distro's page somehow evolves to be "non-compliant" with adoptium marketplace policies, we can work with the distro to correct that non-compliance ASAP, as an after-the-fact action. Distros that repeatedly or insistently violate the polices can be "dealt with" after the fact, but we will hopefully/presumably not need to deal with that distiuation at all (or at least extremely rarely).

I am with you in believing that vendors will not "bait and switch" users looking to download the Adoptium branded runtimes.


On Jun 7, 2021, at 2:25 AM, Tim Ellison <t.p.ellison@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:t.p.ellison@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Hello Working Group.

The Steering Committee have been working on the policy for including products in the Adoptium Marketplace.

The attached draft documents capture the description and criteria we will apply.

The original documents have hyperlinks that don't work well when exporting to PDF, and there are still a few agreements referred to in the documents that have yet to be created, but it will give you a good idea of what is involved.

We hope to have broad participation, and comments and feedback are most welcome as they are finalized.

<Adoptium Marketplace Policy v0.2.pdf><Adoptium Trademark Guidelines v0.2.pdf>_______________________________________________
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