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[4diac-dev] OPCUA final report

Hi all,


I’m happy to announce that I officially closed the feature/MO44GA branch in forte, on which the big change on OPC UA was made. A couple of weeks ago I merged to develop, and all the tests are now being executed in develop and also when a patch is pushed to gerrit.


Thanks to all that supported this big change.


Some stats about the changes:

-          ~23 bugs closed

-          20 System tests which execute ~1340 individual tests

-          89% coverage


Major improvements:

-          Add support to latest release open6241 (v1.0)

-          Complete separation of client and server

-          Access to nodes using browsepath and/or nodeIds (numeric, string, bytestring)

-          Add security capabilities for clients

-          Easy to extend to new capabilities


And the most important for me is that it won’t make forte crash.


Missing work:

-          OPC UA events (both triggering from the server and subscribing from a client) are in progress

-          Add array support

-          Test CIEC_DATE type

-          Implement and test CIEC_TIME_OF_DAY type

-          Add security capabilities to the server

-          Test client security feature

-          Change test files names to directly export them from the system

-          Clean up the code even more


If someone wants to take these tasks, feel free to do it.


The documentation is here:



And the sonarCloud coverage results can be found here:

Here you’ll find there bugs, code smells and uncovered lines and branches in the code. So if you want to cleanup a little bit the code, feel free to do it.


Best regards,


Jose Cabral



fortiss · Landesforschungsinstitut des Freistaats Bayern

An-Institut Technische Universität München

Guerickestraße 25

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Tel.: +49 (89) 3603522 529

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E-Mail: cabral@xxxxxxxxxxx


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