Data-based supervisory controller synthesis

The data-based supervisory controller synthesis tool performs data-based supervisory controller synthesis, or simply data-based synthesis. It can be used to synthesize a supervisor for an untimed CIF specification, with data (e.g. discrete variables). Synthesis is an essential part of the synthesis-based engineering approach to develop supervisory controllers.

For a CIF specification with plants and requirements, the tool computes a supervisor. The supervisor restricts the plants in such a way that the resulting controlled system satisfies the following properties:

Note that deadlock is not prevented for marked states.

The synthesis algorithm is based on [Ouedraogo et al. (2011)].

Starting the transformation

The transformation can be started in the following ways:

  • In Eclipse, right click a .cif file in the Project Explorer tab or Package Explorer tab and choose CIF synthesis tools  Apply data-based synthesis…​.

  • In Eclipse, right click an open text editor for a .cif file and choose CIF synthesis tools  Apply data-based synthesis…​.

  • Use the cifdatasynth tool in a ToolDef script. See the scripting documentation and tools overview page for details.

  • Use the cifdatasynth command line tool.


Besides the general application options, this application several other options.

The following options are part of the Synthesis category:

  • Input file path: The absolute or relative local file system path to the input CIF specification.

  • Output file path: The absolute or relative local file system path to the output CIF file. If not specified, defaults to the input file path, where the .cif file extension is removed (if present), and a .ctrlsys.cif file extension is added.

  • Supervisor name: The name of the resulting supervisor automaton. If not specified, it defaults to sup. For more information, see the section on the resulting supervisor below.

  • Supervisor namespace: The namespace of the resulting supervisor. If not specified, it defaults to the empty namespace. For more information, see the section on namespaces below.

  • Forward reachability: Whether to perform forward reachability during synthesis, or omit it. Is disabled by default. For more information, see the section on forward reachability below.

  • Edge order: Synthesis involves many reachability computations. This involves following edges (forward or backward) to find reachable states. The order in which the edges are considered for such computations is determined by this option. For more information, see the Edge order section below.

  • Statistics: The kinds of statistics to print. By default, no statistics are printed. For more information, see the section on statistics below.

  • Continuous performance statistics file: The absolute or relative local file system path to the continuous performance statistics output file. If not specified, defaults to the input file path, where the .cif file extension is removed (if present), and a .stats.txt file extension is added. For more information, see the section on statistics below.

  • Event warning: Whether to warn for events that are never enabled in the input specification or never enabled in the controlled system. Is enabled by default. Disabling this warning may increase the performance of synthesis.

  • Plants referencing requirements warnings: Whether to warn for plants that reference requirement state. Is enabled by default. Disabling this warning may increase the performance of synthesis.

Internally during synthesis, predicates are represented using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). There are various options that can influence the use of BDDs. The following options are part of the BDD sub-category of the Synthesis category:

  • BDD output mode: This option can be used to control how the BDDs are converted to CIF for the output of synthesis. For more information, see the BDD representation in CIF section below.

  • BDD output name prefix: The prefix to use for BDD related names in the output. Only has an effect if the BDD output mode option is set to represent the internal BDD nodes directly in CIF. The default prefix is bdd. For more information, see the BDD representation in CIF section below.

  • BDD variable order: CIF variables and automata are represented using one or more boolean variables. The initial order of the boolean variables is determined by this option. For more information, see the BDD variable order section below.

  • BDD DCSH variable ordering algorithm: CIF variables and automata are represented using one or more boolean variables. The initial order of the boolean variables can be improved by enabling this option. For more information, see the BDD variable order section below.

  • BDD FORCE variable ordering algorithm: CIF variables and automata are represented using one or more boolean variables. The initial order of the boolean variables can be improved by enabling this option. For more information, see the BDD variable order section below.

  • BDD sliding window variable ordering algorithm: CIF variables and automata are represented using one or more boolean variables. The initial order of the boolean variables can be improved by enabling this option. For more information, see the BDD variable order section below.

  • BDD sliding window size: The maximum length of the window to use for the BDD sliding window variable ordering algorithm. This option only has effect if the BDD sliding window variable ordering algorithm option is enabled. The size must be an integer number in the range [1 .. 12]. The default size is 4. For more information, see the BDD variable order section below.

  • BDD predicate simplify: Several BDD predicates may be simplified under the assumption of other predicates, resulting in smaller/simpler output. This may decrease the size of the resulting controller, and may give more insight. For more information, see the Simplification section below.

  • BDD library initial node table size: The BDD library that is used maintains an internal node table. This option can be used to set the initial size of that node table. The size will automatically be increased during synthesis, if necessary. Increasing the initial size can increase performance for large systems, as it will not be necessary to repeatedly increase the size of the node table. However, a larger node table requires more memory, and can lead to the node table no longer fitting within CPU caches, degrading performance. The default is 100000 nodes. The initial node table size must be in the range [1 .. 231 - 1]. For more information, see the Statistics section.

  • BDD library operation cache size: The BDD library that is used maintains an internal operation cache. This option can be used to set the fixed size of that cache. The operation cache size must be in the range [2 .. 231 - 1]. By default, this option is disabled (value off on the command line), and the BDD library operation cache ratio option is used instead. For more information, see the BDD operation cache section below.

  • BDD library operation cache ratio: The BDD library that is used maintains an internal operation cache. This option can be used to set the ratio of the size of the operation cache of the BDD library to the size of the node table of the BDD library. For instance, a ratio of 0.1 means that the size of the operation cache is 10% of the size of the node table. The operation cache ratio must be in the range [0.01 .. 1000]. The default ratio is 1.0. This option has no effect if the BDD library operation cache size option is enabled. For more information, see the BDD operation cache section below.

  • BDD debug max nodes: Internally, predicates are represented using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). This option control the maximum number of BDD nodes for which to convert a BDD to a readable CNF/DNF representation for the debug output. The default is 10 nodes. The maximum must be in the range [1 .. 231 - 1]. The option can be set to have an infinite maximum (no maximum), using option value inf. For more information, see the Debug output section below.

  • BDD debug max paths: Internally, predicates are represented using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). This option control the maximum number of BDD true paths for which to convert a BDD to a readable CNF/DNF representation for the debug output. The default is 10 paths. The maximum must be in the range [0 .. 1.7e308]. The option can be set to have an infinite maximum (no maximum), using option value inf. For more information, see the Debug output section below.

Supported specifications

The data-based supervisory controller synthesis tool supports a subset of CIF specifications. The following restrictions apply:

  • Only plant and requirement automata are supported. Automata with a supervisor kind, as well as kindless/regular automata (without a supervisory kind) are not supported.

  • Specifications without plant automata are not supported.

  • Events not declared as controllable or uncontrollable are not supported. This includes the tau event, both explicitly used on edges, as well as implicitly for edges without explicitly mentioned events.

  • The use of channels (events with data types) in requirements is not supported. That is, requirements that send or receive (with or without data) are not supported.

  • Only plant and requirement invariants are supported. Invariants with a supervisor kind, as well as kindless/regular invariants (without a supervisory kind) are not supported.

  • Continuous variables are not supported.

  • Only discrete/input variables with a boolean type, ranged integer type (e.g. int[0..5]), or enumeration type are supported. For integer types, ranges that include negative integer values are not supported. For algebraic variables and algebraic parameters of components, all types are supported. For constants, all types are supported.

  • Discrete variables must have supported initial values. If explicit initial values are given, they must be supported predicates (for boolean variables) or supported expressions as described below (for all other variables).

  • Automata with non-determinism for controllable events are not supported. That is, automata that have locations with multiple outgoing edges for the same controllable event, with overlapping guards (e.g. x > 1 and x < 4), are not supported. Note that this check is performed on the linearized guards, and may therefore lead to false positives, as the check is an over-approximation and guard overlap may be detected for unreachable states.

  • Conditional updates (if updates), multi-assignments, and partial variable assignments are not supported.

  • I/O declarations are ignored. A warning is printed if a CIF/SVG input declaration is encountered.

Only limited forms of predicates (for markers, invariants, initialization, guards, etc) are supported. The supported predicates are:

  • Boolean literals (true, false).

  • Discrete/input/algebraic boolean variables (x, for x a discrete, input, or algebraic variable with a boolean type).

  • Boolean constants (x, for x a constant with a boolean type).

  • Locations (aut.loc, for aut and automaton and loc a location of that automaton).

  • The unary inverse operator (not) on a supported predicate.

  • The binary logical conjunction (and) on two supported predicates.

  • The binary logical disjunction (or) on two supported predicates.

  • The binary logical implication (=>) on two supported predicates.

  • The binary logical bi-conditional (<=>) on two supported predicates.

  • The binary equality comparison (=) on two supported predicates, or on two supported integer or enumeration expressions.

  • The binary inequality comparison (!=) on two supported predicates, or on two supported integer or enumeration expressions.

  • The binary less than comparison (<) on two supported integer expressions.

  • The binary less than or equal comparison (<=) on two supported integer expressions.

  • The binary greater than comparison (>) on two supported integer expressions.

  • The binary greater than or equal comparison (>=) on two supported integer expressions.

  • Conditional expressions (if expressions) with supported guard and resulting value predicates.

  • Switch expressions with supported control value and resulting value predicates.

Only limited forms of integer and enumeration expressions (for binary comparisons, initial values of variables, right hand sides of assignments, etc) are supported. The supported expressions are:

  • A non-negative integer literal/value.

  • An enumeration literal/value.

  • Discrete/input/algebraic integer/enumeration variables (x, for x a discrete, input, or algebraic variable with an integer or enumeration type).

  • Integer/enumeration constants (x, for x a constant with an integer or enumeration type).

  • +i for i a supported integer expression.

  • i + j for i and j supported integer expressions.

  • i div j and i mod j for i a supported integer expressions, and j a positive integer value, or a computation that results in a positive integer value, as long as the computation is not too complex to be performed statically. That is, j must essentially be constant.

  • Conditional expressions (if expressions) with supported guard predicates and supported resulting values.

  • Switch expressions with supported control values and supported resulting values.

  • Any other valid CIF expression (computation) that results in a non-negative integer value or an enumeration value, as long as the computation is not too complex to be performed statically. That is, the computation must essentially represent a fixed/constant value.

Here are some examples of computations that can be statically evaluated:

  • true and false (result is false)

  • c or false, for a constant c with value false (result is false)

  • 1 + 1 (result is 2)

  • 2 * 5 (result is 10)

  • floor(3.14) (result is 3)

  • c + 1, for a constant c with value 2 (result is 3)

Here are some examples of computations that can not be statically evaluated:

  • v + 1, for v a discrete variable. The computation results in different values for different values of v.

  • v = true for v a discrete variable. The computation results in different values for different values of v.

  • v = e for v a discrete variable and e an enumeration literal/value. The computation results in different values for different values of v.

Only limited forms of assignments are supported. The supported assignments are:

  • xb := p

  • xi := ie

  • xi := ie - ie

  • xe := ee

For the following constraints:

  • xb is a boolean variable.

  • xi is a supported integer variable, as described above.

  • xe is an enumeration variable.

  • p is a supported predicate, as described above.

  • ie is a supported integer expression, as described above.

  • ee is a supported enumeration expression, as described above.

Additionally, the tool warns about state/event exclusion invariants for events that are not in the alphabet of any automaton. Such invariants have no effect, as they try to (further) restrict events that are never enabled to begin with.


The following CIF to CIF transformations are applied as preprocessing (in the given order), to increase the subset of CIF specifications that can be synthesized:

Additionally, the CIF specification is converted to an internal representation on which the synthesis is performed. This conversion also applies linearization (product variant) to the edges. Predicates are represented internally using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs).

Supported requirements

Three types of requirements are supported: state invariants, state/event exclusion invariants, and requirement automata. For state invariants and state/event exclusion invariants, both named and nameless variants are supported.

State invariants are global conditions over the values of variables (and locations of automata) that must always hold. Such requirements are sometimes also called mutual state exclusions. Here are some examples:

requirement invariant x != 0 and not p.b;
requirement invariant x > 5;
requirement R1: invariant not(x = 1 and y = 1) or q.x = a;

requirement (x = 1 and y = 1) or (x = 2 and y = 2);
requirement (3 <= x and x < = 5) or (2 <= y and y <= 7);
requirement x = 1 => y > 2;

State/event exclusion invariants or simply state/event exclusions are additional conditions under which transitions may take place for certain events. Here are some examples:

requirement invariant buffer.c_add    needs buffer.count < 5;
requirement invariant buffer.c_remove needs buffer.count > 0;
requirement invariant button.on = 1 disables lamp.c_turn_on;
requirement invariant R3: buffer.c_remove needs buffer.count > 0;

requirement {lamp.c_turn_on, motor.c_turn_on} needs button.Off;
requirement p.x = 3 and p.y > 7 disables p.u_something;

Requirement automata are simply automata marked as requirement. They usually introduce additional state by using multiple locations or a variable. The additional state is used to be able to express the requirement. One common example is a counter. For instance, consider the following requirement, which prevents more than three products being added to a buffer:

requirement automaton counter:
  disc int[0..5] count = 0;

  requirement invariant count <= 3;


    edge buffer.c_add do count := count + 1;

Another common example is a requirement that introduces ordering. For instance, consider the following requirement, which states that motor1 must always be turned on before motor2 is turned on, and they must always be turned off in the opposite order:

requirement automaton order:
  location on1:
    edge motor1.c_on goto on2;

  location on2:
    edge motor2.c_on goto off2;

  location off2:
    edge motor2.c_off goto off1;

  location off1:
    edge motor1.c_off goto on1;

Besides the explicit requirements, synthesis also prevents runtime errors. This includes enforcing that integer variables stay within their range of allowed values. This is essentially an implicit requirement. For instance, for a CIF specification with a variable x of type int[0..5] and a variable y of type int[1..3], requirement invariant 0 <= x and x <= 5 and 1 <= y and y <= 3 is implicitly added and enforced by the synthesis algorithm. In the resulting controlled system, no runtime errors due to variables being assigned values outside their domain (integer value range) occur.

Resulting supervisor

If the supervisor has to restrict so much of the behavior of the uncontrolled system that no initial state remains, the controlled system becomes empty. The synthesis algorithm then ends with an empty supervisor error, and no output CIF file is created.

If an initial state remains after synthesis, an output CIF file is created. The contents is the controlled system. The controlled system is obtained by taking the input specification, and modifying it. The requirement automata are changed to supervisor automata. Some or all of the requirement invariants may be removed, depending on the simplifications that are applied. The remaining requirement invariants are changed to supervisor invariants. An additional external supervisor automaton is added. Also, depending on the simplifications that are applied, the requirement automata may serve as monitors or observers for the external supervisor, or may actually impose the requirement restrictions. An external supervisor is a supervisor automaton that adds restrictions to the uncontrolled system (the plants), and potentially the requirement automata, depending on the simplifications that are applied. The supervisor uses the same events as the plants, and refers to plant and requirement locations and variables in its conditions.

By default, the resulting external supervisor automaton is put in the empty namespace, at the top level of the resulting specification. That is, the supervisor automaton is not put in any groups. See the Namespace section for more information.

By default, the added supervisor automaton is named sup. Using the Supervisor name option (see options section above), it is possible to specify a different name. Custom supervisor automaton names must be valid CIF identifiers, i.e. they may consist of letters, digits, and underscores (_), but may not start with a digit. If the resulting supervisor automaton has a name that conflicts with an existing declaration, it is automatically renamed to have a non-conflicting name. In such cases, a warning is printed to the console to inform the user.

The resulting supervisor has exactly one self loop edge for each of the controllable events in the alphabet of the controlled system (which is equal to the alphabet of the uncontrolled system). These self loops represent the possible conditions under which the supervisor allows the events to occur in the controlled system. The exact predicates may vary, depending on the simplifications that are applied.

If there are controllable events that are never enabled in the controlled system, a warning is printed to the console. Enabling forward reachability ensures that warnings are also printed for events that are only enabled in the unreachable part of the statespace. Disabling forward reachability may lead to false negatives, i.e. such cases may not be reported.

The resulting supervisor may have an initialization predicate that restricts the states in which the system may be initialized (may start), on top of the initialization constraints already present in the uncontrolled system. For more information on this initialization predicate, see the section on initialization below.


As indicated above, by default the resulting supervisor automaton is put in the empty namespace, at the top level of the resulting specification. That is, the supervisor automaton is not put in any groups.

It is possible to add a namespace to the entire resulting specification. That is, to put groups around the original plants and requirements, the added supervisor automaton, etc. A namespace can be added using the Supervisor namespace option (see options section above). By default, no additional namespace is added.

By adding a namespace around the entire resulting specification, the synthesis result can be easily merged with for instance a simulation model. The added namespace ensures that there are no naming conflicts between the plants of the simulation model and the similarly original plants. The events are not put in the new namespace, but are instead kept in their original place, wrapped in groups as necessary to keep their original identities (absolute names). This ensures that it remains possible to connect (merge) the events of the synthesis output with the events of the simulation model.

The namespace specified using the option, must consist of one or more valid CIF identifiers, separated by dots (.). Valid CIF identifiers consist of one or more letters, digits, and underscores (_), but may not start with a digit. As an example, consider namespace a.b. A group b is wrapped around the entire synthesis result, and a group a is wrapped around group b. Group a is then the new synthesis result.

If a part of the namespace has the same name as an event that remains in its original place, this leads to a conflict, and synthesis fails. If the namespace does not conflict, but is non-empty (it contains an event or it contains a group that contains an event), synthesis also fails.

BDD representation in CIF

Internally, predicates are represented using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). The supervisor that is the output of synthesis, contains several predicates as well. For instance, it has self loops with guard predicates, and it may have an initialization predicate. The predicates represented as BDDs need to be represented as CIF predicates. There are multiple approaches to do this, and the BDD output mode option (see options section above), can be used to configure the approach to use.

The first approach, which is also the default approach (named normal), is to use either Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) or Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) predicates. This approach has as benefit that for relatively small predicates (usually for small systems), the CIF predicates are often intuitive, and can easily understood. The downside is that for larger systems, the CIF predicates often grow exponentially in size.

The second approached (named nodes), is to represent the internal BDD nodes directly in CIF. The BDD is then more or less coded directly in CIF, using some constants and algebraic variables, and is evaluated using a BDD evaluation function. The benefit is that for larger systems, this representation remains relatively small, and at the very least doesn’t blow up nearly as much as the CNF and DNF representations. The downside to this approach, is that it leads to a supervisor that can not be easily understood by inspecting it. For this approach, several objects are created in the top level scope of the CIF specification. The names of these declarations all share a common prefix. The default prefix is bdd, but it can be changed using the BDD output name prefix option (see options section above). No existing declarations, whose names start with that prefix, should be present in the top level scope of the specification.


The synthesis algorithm ensures that in the controlled system, the state requirement invariants hold in all reachable states. It also ensures that in the controlled system, for all transitions from reachable states, the events only occur if the requirement automata and state/event exclusion invariants allow them.

The synthesis algorithm does not restrict any uncontrollable events. Instead, such restrictions are propagated backwards to the source state of the edge with the uncontrollable event, and from there to the transitions that lead to the source state, etc. They are propagated backwards until an edge with a controllable event is encountered (for which the guard can be restricted) or the initial state is reached (and the initialization predicate can be restricted).

If a variable in the uncontrolled system has a single initial value, and the initialization predicate is restricted to not allow this initial value, initialization will be impossible, causing an empty supervisor error. For discrete variables with multiple potential initial values, the synthesis algorithm may restrict initialization to disallow certain initial values, while still leaving possibilities for initialization. For discrete variables declared to initially have an arbitrary initial value, as well as for input variables, the synthesis algorithm essentially determines under which conditions the system can be started, and still exhibits only safe, non-blocking behavior.

If the controlled system requires more strict initialization than the uncontrolled system, an additional initialization predicate is added to the resulting supervisor. The exact predicate may differ, depending on the simplifications that are applied.

Forward reachability

Synthesis essentially works by calculations that involve predicates that partition the entire state space into states that satisfy a property or don’t satisfy a property. For instance, a marker predicate may indicate which states of the state space are marked. All other states are thus not marked.

Calculations during synthesis often involve reachability. For instance, from which states is it possible to reach a marker state? To compute the states that can reach a marker state, the marker predicate of the input specification is used. The marker predicate indicates the states that are themselves marked. Then, the states are calculated that can reach one of those marked states, via a single transition. They are put together, to form the states that are marked or can be marked after one transition. By taking another such step, we can add the states that can reach a marked state via two transitions. We then have all states that can reach a marked state via zero, one, or two transitions. We can repeat this until no new states are found, which is called reaching a fixed point.

This form of reachability is called backward reachability, as it starts with some target (e.g. marked states), and goes backwards to find all states from which the target can be reached. Backward reachability can lead to states that could never be reached from an initial state, even in the uncontrolled system. This leads to two separate issues.

The first issue is about unintuitive resulting supervisor guards. The resulting supervisor forbids certain transitions, by restricting controllable events. It among others forbids transitions that end up in states from which no marked state can be reached. However, if those forbidden states can never be reached from an initial state, there is no reason to restrict the controllable events in such cases. The guards of the resulting supervisor then appear to restrict the controllable events, while in fact the guard doesn’t impose a restriction for the controlled system. The supervisor simply doesn’t have the necessary information to know this.

The second issue is about performance. Expanding unreachable states during backward reachability takes time and costs memory, while it has no useful effect on the resulting controlled system.

The use of forward reachability can be a solution to both problems. Forward reachability starts with the initial states, and adds states reachable via one transitions, then via two transitions, then via three transitions, etc. This is repeated until all reachable states are found.

By combining both forward and backward reachability, the supervisor knows about states that exist in the uncontrolled system (due to forward reachability) and about states that it should forbid (due to backward reachability). This leads to the supervisor only restricting transitions that are strictly necessary. However, both when using forward reachability and when not using it, the synthesized supervisor is safe, non-blocking, and maximally permissive. It is only the guards that are more complex than they might need to be, if forward reachability is not used. More complex guards are often less readable, and potentially more expensive to implement in an actual controller.

By combining both forward and backward reachability, parts of the state space that are not relevant may not have to be expanded (as much), which may improve performance. However, computing the forward reachability may also take time and cost memory, thus reducing performance.

It depends on the specification being synthesized whether enabling forward reachability increases or decreases performance. It also depends on the specification whether there is any benefit to using forward reachability for the guards of the supervisor. Forward reachability is disabled by default. It can be enabled using the Forward reachability option (see options section above).

Edge order

Supervisor synthesis involves many reachability computations to determine which states can be reached from which other states (forward reachability), or which states can reach which other states (backward reachability). This involves repeatedly following edges to find those states, using a fixed point computation.

During reachability computations the edges are considered one by one to find more reachable states. Regardless of whether an edge leads to new states being found or not, the search always continues with the next edge. As long as new states are found, the edges will keep being applied one after the other. After the last edge has been considered, the first edge is considered again, then the second one, etc. Only once all edges have been applied and none of them lead to new states being found has a fixed point been reached and the computation stops.

The order in which the edges are considered for such computations has no effect on the final fixed point result. The order can however significantly influence the performance of supervisor synthesis. For instance, consider that there are dozens of edges and from the already discovered states there is only one edge that leads to more states being found. Then considering that one particular edge first will immediately lead to more states being found. Considering other edges first will lead to wasted computations, as they won’t find any new states.

Besides finding or not finding new states, which new states are found first and in what order may also influence performance. It may lead to smaller or larger intermediate BDD representations of predicates. See the section on the BDD variable order for more information.

Synthesis does not directly use the edges from the model. It applies linearization and then uses the edges from the linearized model. Edges are internally also added to support input variables during synthesis.

The order in which the edges are considered is determined by the Edge order option (see options section above). Several predefined orders exist, and it is also possible to define a custom order. By default, the model ordering is used. The following predefined orders exist:

  • model ordering (option value model)

    The order of the edges is as they occur in the linearized model. Edges for input variables are always put after the other edges, sorted based on the variable order.

  • reverse model ordering (option value reverse-model)

    The order of the edges is as they occur in the linearized model, but reversed. Edges for input variable are thus always put before the other edges, sorted based on the reversed variable order.

  • sorted ordering (option value sorted)

    The order of the edges is based on the names of their corresponding events and input variables. They are sorted alphabetically in ascending order, based on their absolute names. In case edges are labeled with the same event, the edges are ordered based on the linearized model order.

  • reverse sorted ordering (option value reverse-sorted)

    The order of the edges is based on the names of their corresponding events and input variables. They are sorted alphabetically in descending order, based on their absolute names. In case edges are labeled with the same event, the edges are ordered based on the reversed linearized model order.

  • random ordering (option value random or random:SEED)

    The edges are ordered randomly. If no seed is specified, a random seed is used, resulting in a random random order. If a seed is specified, a fixed random order is used. That is, using the same seed again, results in the same random order. The SEED must be an integer number in the range [0 .. 264 - 1]. For instance, use random:123 as option value to get a random order that can be repeated on a subsequent synthesis for the same model.

Furthermore, a custom order can be defined. Custom orders consist of absolute names of events and input variables. That is, for an automaton a, with an event x, the absolute name of the event is a.x. In case edges are labeled with the same event, the edges are ordered based on the linearized model order. The * character can be used as wildcard in those names, and indicates zero or more characters. In case of multiple matches, the matches are sorted alphabetically in ascending order, based on their absolute names.

Multiple names can be separated with , characters. The edges and input variables matching the name pattern before the , are ordered before the edges and input variables matching the name pattern after the ,.

Each name pattern in the order must match at least one event or input variable. An event or input variable may not be included more than once in the order. Every event and input variable needs to be included in the order.

Determining the best edge order is difficult as it can be tricky to predict which edges will lead to finding new states and quickly reaching the fixed point result. When in doubt, use the default value of the option.


The synthesis algorithm computes various predicates, such as the conditions under which the controllable events may take place in the controlled system, and the initialization predicate of the controlled system. These predicates are included in the supervisor that results from synthesis.

However, if the controlled system imposes the exact same restrictions as the uncontrolled system, there is no need to list the full conditions in the supervisor, as the plants already define that behavior. The supervisor imposes no additional restrictions with respect to the plants, and it suffices to use true as condition for the supervisor to make that explicit.

There are several predicates in the synthesis result that can be simplified under the assumption of conditions that are already present in the input specification. In some cases this leads to smaller/simpler supervisor representations. In other cases it gives insight, indicating that the supervisor does not impose any additional restrictions. The following simplifications are available:

Option value Default Predicate May be simplified assuming



Supervisor guards of controllable events

Plant guards, for the matching events



Supervisor guards of controllable events

State/event exclusion requirement invariants derived from the requirement automata, for the matching events



Supervisor guards of controllable events

State/event exclusion plant invariants from the input specification, for the matching events



Supervisor guards of controllable events

State/event exclusion requirement invariants from the input specification, for the matching events



Supervisor guards of controllable events

State plant invariants from the input specification



Supervisor guards of controllable events

State requirement invariants from the input specification (includes the range requirement invariants added by the synthesis algorithm)



Supervisor guards of controllable events

Controlled behavior as computed by synthesis



Initialization predicate of the controlled system

Initialization predicate of the uncontrolled system



Initialization predicate of the controlled system

State plant invariants from the input specification

Which simplifications should be performed, can be specified using the BDD predicate simplify option (see options section above).

The table above lists in the first column, the option values to use for each of the simplifications, on the command line. The names given in the first column should be combined using commas, and used as option value. The simplifications that are specified using the option replace the default simplifications (see the second column of the table). However, it is also possible to specify additions and removals relative to the default simplifications, by prefixing simplifications (from the first column) with a + or - respectively. Replacements (no prefix) may not be combined with additions/removals (+ or - prefix). Specifying a simplification twice leads to a warning being printed to the console. Adding a simplification that is already present or removing a simplification that is not present, also leads to a warning being printed.

In the option dialog, each of the simplifications can be enabled or disabled using a checkbox.

The second column indicates for each simplification whether it is enabled by default. By default, all simplifications are enabled. The third column indicates the predicate in the synthesis result that can be simplified. The fourth column indicates under the assumption of which predicate the simplification is applied.

The simplification algorithm is not perfect, and may not simplify the predicates as much as could potentially be possible.

When simplifying with respect to state requirement invariants, the supervisor no longer enforces those requirements, as they are assumed to already hold. As such, the simplification prevents such invariants from being removed from the resulting CIF specification. This applies to some of the other simplifications as well. For instance, the simplification over state/event exclusion requirement invariants leads to them being part of the output as well. This may affect whether other tools can handle the resulting supervisor model as input, depending on what kind of features they support. In particular, for code generation, simplification of the guards with respect to the state requirement invariants may need to be disabled.

Debug output

By default, the synthesis algorithm shows no progress information, and does not explain how the resulting supervisor is obtained. By enabling debug output, detailed information is printed to the console. Debug output can be enabled by setting the Output mode option (General category) to Debug.

The debug output also contains information about the number of states in the resulting controlled system (the uncontrolled system restricted by the synthesized supervisor). If the resulting supervisor (and thus the controlled system) is empty, or if forward reachability is enabled, the number of states that is printed is an exact number (e.g. exactly 0 states, exactly 1 state, exactly 1,234 states). In other situations, the controlled behavior predicate that is used to determine the number potentially gives an over-approximation, and an upper bound on the number of states is printed (e.g. at most 1,234 states).

Enabling debug output may significantly slow down the synthesis algorithm, especially for larger models. The performance degradation stems mostly from the printing of predicates. Predicates are internally represented using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). To print them, they are converted to CNF or DNF predicates, similar to one of the approaches to convert BDDs to CIF predicates for synthesis output.

To limit the performance degradation, options are available to limit the conversion of BDDs to CNF/DNF predicates. The BDD debug max nodes controls the maximum number of BDD nodes for which to convert a BDD to a readable CNF/DNF representation for the debug output. The default is 10 nodes. The maximum must be in the range [1 .. 231 - 1]. The option can be set to have an infinite maximum (no maximum), using option value inf. The BDD debug max paths option controls the maximum number of BDD true paths for which to convert a BDD to a readable CNF/DNF representation for the debug output. The default is 10 paths. The maximum must be in the range [1 .. 1.7e308]. The option can be set to have an infinite maximum (no maximum), using option value inf. If a BDD has more than the specified maximum number of nodes, or more than the specified number of true paths, it is not converted to a CNF/DNF predicate. Instead, it is converted to a textual representation that indicates the number of nodes and true paths, e.g. <bdd 1,234n 5,678p> for a BDD with 1,234 nodes and 5,678 true paths.

By limiting the conversion of BDDs to CNF/DNF predicates, debug output can still be used for large models to see progress information, while not degrading the performance too much.


The data-based synthesis tool supports printing various kinds of statistics. By default, no statistics are printed. Statistics can be enabled using the Statistics option (see options section above). The following statistics are available:

  • BDD garbage collection [bdd-gc-collect]

    Prints BDD garbage collection information before and after each garbage collection.

    The BDD library that is used maintains an internal node table. Whenever new nodes no longer fit in the node table, a garbage collection is started by the BDD library, to clean out all nodes that are no longer needed. See also the BDD library initial node table size option (see options section above).

    BDD garbage collection information is printed to the console before and after each garbage collection. The printed information includes the size of the node table, the number of free nodes, timing information, etc.

  • BDD node table resize [bdd-gc-resize]

    Prints BDD node table resize information each time a BDD node table resize is performed.

    The BDD library that is used maintains an internal node table. Whenever new nodes no longer fit in the node table, a garbage collection is started by the BDD library, to clean out all nodes that are no longer needed. If only very limited space could be reclaimed by garbage collection, the size of the node table is increased. See also the BDD library initial node table size option (see options section above).

    BDD node table resize information is printed to the console each time the node table is resized. The printed information includes the old and new sizes of the node table.

  • BDD cache [bdd-perf-cache]

    Prints metrics related to the BDD cache.

    The BDD library that is used implements a cache to speed up the calculations. For more information, see the BDD operation cache section below.

    The information is printed to the console, after execution, just before termination of the tool. The table below shows all metrics printed and their meaning.

    Metric Description

    Node creation requests

    The number of times a node creation is requested. This includes the trivial cases where the cache is not checked, e.g. when both child nodes are the same.

    Node creation chain accesses

    The number of times a node creation is requested, and a next node in the cache needs to be checked. This excludes the trivial cases where the cache is not checked.

    Node creation cache hits

    The number of times a node creation is requested, and the node is already in the cache. This excludes the trivial cases where the cache is not checked.

    Node creation cache misses

    The number of times a node creation is requested, and the node is not already in the cache. This excludes the trivial cases where the cache is not checked.

    Operation count

    The number of times a BDD operation is performed on a node or a pair of nodes. This includes the trivial cases where the cache is not checked, e.g. for x and x, x and true, false and x, etc.

    Operation cache hits

    The number of times a BDD operation is performed on a node or a pair of nodes, and the result is already in the cache. This excludes the trivial cases where the cache is not checked.

    Operation cache misses

    The number of times a BDD operation is performed on a node or a pair of nodes, and the result is not already in the cache. This excludes the trivial cases where the cache is not checked.

  • Continuous BDD performance statistics [bdd-perf-cont]

    Prints continuously collected platform and machine independent BDD performance related metrics.

    This statistic continuously collects the platform and machine independent BDD performance metrics described in the table below. These metrics are discussed in more detail in [Thuijsman et al. (2019)].

    The information is printed to a CSV file that can be configured using the Continuous performance statistics file option. The file is written after execution, just before termination of the tool.

    Note that collecting these metrics makes synthesis take longer than without collecting it.

    Metric Description


    The number of BDD operations performed on BDD nodes so far during synthesis, for which the cache is checked and the result is not already in the cache. The number of operations performed on BDD nodes is a platform and machine independent measure of the amount of time needed to perform BDD operations, due to BDD operations being implemented recursively on their node trees.

    Used BBD nodes

    The number of BDD nodes currently in use to represent all BDDs. The size of a BDD, expressed as the number of nodes used, is a platform and machine independent measure of the amount of memory needed to store it.

  • Maximum used BDD nodes [bdd-perf-max-nodes]

    Prints the maximum number of BDD nodes used during synthesis.

    The size of a BDD, expressed as the number of nodes used, is a platform and machine independent measure of the amount of memory needed to store it. This metric is discussed in more detail in [Thuijsman et al. (2019)].

    This metric is printed to the console, after execution, just before termination of the tool. It prints the maximum number of BDD nodes used during synthesis.

    Note that collecting this metric makes synthesis take longer than without collecting it.

  • Timing [timing]

    Print information for timing of various parts of the tool.

    Timing is only collected for parts of the tool that were actually executed. Timing is represented as a tree. The root of the tree represents the total time of the synthesis tool. For some parts of the tool, timing is also collected for sub-parts.

    Timing information is printed to the console, after execution, just before termination of the tool. Durations are all printed in milliseconds, to make it easier to compare timing for various parts.

    When measuring performance, always perform multiple measurements, and take the average. Also, use a warm-up phase, to avoid skewed results.

In the option dialog, each of the different kinds of statistics can be enabled and disabled individually, using a checkbox.

From the command line, using the --stats option, the names of the different kinds of statistics, as indicated above between square brackets, should be used, separated by commas. For instance, use --stats=bdd-gc-collect,bdd-gc-resize to enable both BDD garbage collection statistics and BDD node table resize statistics, but keep all other statistics disabled.

Specifying a statistics kind twice leads to a warning being printed to the console.

Early problem detection

The synthesis algorithm checks the specification for common issues, for early detection of problems that will lead to an empty supervisor. If such a problem is detected, a warning is printed to the console. Among others, checks are included for no initial states/variables, no marked states, and no states due to the state requirement invariants.

The synthesis algorithm also checks whether there are events that are never enabled in the input specification. If such a problem is detected, a warning is printed to the console. Among others, checks are included for events that are forbidden by automaton guards, event/state exclusion plant and requirement invariants, and state plant invariants.

The synthesis algorithm also checks for plant invariants or plant automata that reference requirement state. If such a problem is detected, a warning is printed to the console. Among others, references in guards, updates, invariant predicates, initialization predicates, marker predicates and initial values for discrete variables are detected.

BDD variable order

Internally, predicates are represented using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). CIF variables and automata are represented using one or more boolean variables (also called BDD variables or bits). For instance, a boolean CIF variable is represented using a single boolean/BDD variable, and a CIF variable of type int[0..8] is represented using four boolean/BDD variables (9 possible values, log2(9) ≈ 3.17). For each automaton with two or more locations, a location pointer variable is created, that represents the current or active location of that automaton. For instance, an automaton with three locations is represented using two boolean/BDD variables. Two boolean/BDD variables can represent 22 = 4 values, so one value is not used.

The CIF variables and location pointer variables for the automata (together called synthesis variables) can be ordered. This ordering can significantly influence the performance of synthesis. Synthesis variables that have a higher influence on the result of predicates (simply put, occur more frequently in predicates) should generally be put earlier in the ordering. Furthermore, in general, strongly related synthesis variables (e.g. by comparison, integer computation, or assignment) should be kept closely together in the order. For two synthesis variables x and y, examples of predicates that introduce relations are x = y (by comparison) and 5 < x + y (by integer computation), and examples of assignments that introduce relations are x := y and x := y + 1 (both by assignment).

For the initial variable ordering, it is possible to order the BDD variables per synthesis variable, or to interleave the BDD/boolean variables of some synthesis variables. This can significantly influences the performance of synthesis. Generally, strongly related synthesis variables should be interleaved.

For more information on ordering and its influence on performance, see Chapter 3 of [Minato (1996)].

For each CIF variable and location pointer, two synthesis variables are created, one storing the old/current value (before a transition), and one storing the new value (after a transition). For a single CIF variable or location pointer, the old and new synthesis variables are always kept together, and interleaved. The old synthesis variable is also always before the new synthesis variable.

The initial order of the boolean/BDD variables is determined by the BDD variable order option (see options section above). Several predefined orders exist, and it is also possible to define a custom order. By default, the sorted order is used. The following predefined orders exist:

  • model ordering without interleaving (option value model)

    The initial order of the synthesis variables is as they occur in the model. A location pointer, for an automaton with two or more locations, is put before the variables declared in that automaton.

    No synthesis variables are interleaved, except for each old variable with its corresponding new variable.

  • reverse model ordering without interleaving (option value reverse-model)

    The initial order of the synthesis variables is as they occur in the model, but reversed. A location pointer, for an automaton with two or more locations, is put after the variables declared in that automaton, in this reverse order.

    No synthesis variables are interleaved, except for each old variable with its corresponding new variable. The old variables are still before the new variables; this is not reversed.

  • sorted ordering without interleaving (option value sorted)

    The initial order of the synthesis variables is based on the names of the variables and automata. They are sorted alphabetically in ascending order, based on their absolute names.

    No synthesis variables are interleaved, except for each old variable with its corresponding new variable.

  • reverse sorted ordering without interleaving (option value reverse-sorted)

    The initial order of the synthesis variables is based on the names of the variables and automata. They are sorted alphabetically in descending order, based on their absolute names.

    No synthesis variables are interleaved, except for each old variable with its corresponding new variable. The old variables are still before the new variables; this is not reversed.

  • random ordering without interleaving (option value random or random:SEED)

    The variables and automata are initially ordered randomly. If no seed is specified, a random seed is used, resulting in a random random order. If a seed is specified, a fixed random order is used. That is, using the same seed again, results in the same random order. The SEED must be an integer number in the range [0 .. 264 - 1]. For instance, use random:123 as option value to get a random order that can be repeated on a subsequent synthesis for the same model.

    No synthesis variables are interleaved, except for each old variable with its corresponding new variable.

Furthermore, a custom initial order can be defined. Custom orders consist of absolute names of variables and automata. That is, for an automaton a, with a discrete variable x, the absolute name of the variable is a.x. The * character can be used as wildcard in those names, and indicates zero or more characters. In case of multiple matches, the matches are sorted increasingly on their absolute names, and interleaved.

Multiple names can be separated with ; characters. The synthesis variables matching the name pattern before the ; are ordered before the synthesis variables matching the name pattern after the ;. The ; separator does not introduce interleaving. The , separator can be used instead of the ; separator to introduce order but also introduce interleaving.

Each name pattern in the order must match at least one variable or automaton. A variable or automaton may not be included more than once in the order. Every variable and automaton (with two or more locations) needs to be included in the order. It is not possible to specify new variables, as they are always directly after their corresponding old variables, and they are always interleaved.

For instance, consider two automata: a and b, each with three variables of type int[0..3]: x1, x2, and x3. The automata have three locations each, so location pointers are created for them. We thus have six discrete variables: a.x1, a.x2, a.x3, b.x1, b.x2, and b.x3, and two location pointer variables: a and b. Consider the following custom order: b*;a.x3,a.x1;a.x2,a. Pattern b* matches location pointer variable b as well as the three discrete variables of automaton b (b.x1, b.x2, and b.x3). They are ordered in increasing alphabetic order, and are interleaved. Variables a.x3 and a.x1 are also interleaved, with a.x3 before a.x1. Finally, variable a.x2 is ordered before the location pointer for automaton a, and they are interleaved as well. This results in the following initial boolean/BDD variable ordering, with bits whose name ends with + representing bits of new variables rather than current/old variables, and x#0 representing bit zero of variable x:




The default orders are often not optimal performance-wise. Manually specifying a custom order often requires specialist knowledge and can take quite some time. Luckily, there are algorithms that can automatically compute a decent variable order.

The algorithms all take an initial variable ordering, and try to improve it using a fast heuristic. Some algorithms search for a local optimum. A better initial variable ordering may then result in a better final variable ordering (a better local optimum), and may also speed up the automatic variable ordering algorithm itself (reaching an optimum faster). Other algorithms search for a global optimum. However, the algorithms are all based on heuristics. The guarantees that they provide differ, but none of them guarantees that synthesis will actually be quicker. In practice however, they typically do improve synthesis performance, especially for larger and more complex models.

For the initial variable ordering, the CIF variables and location pointers may be arbitrarily interleaved. If an automatic variable ordering algorithm changes the initial order, no synthesis variables are interleaved, except for each old variable with its corresponding new variable.

The automatic variable ordering algorithms are not applied if the CIF model has less than two synthesis variables, as with zero variables there is nothing to order, and with one variable there is only one possible order. They are also not applied if the model has no guards, updates, or other predicates from which to derive relations between the variables. Without such relations, the algorithms lack the required input to search for improved variable orders.

The variable relations serve as input for the algorithms. Different algorithms may use different representations of the variable relations, such as hyper-edges or graph edges. Further information about these representations may be obtained by enabling debug output.

The following variable ordering algorithms are available:

  • DCSH

    The DCSH algorithm of [Lousberg et al. (2020)] aims to find good global variable orders.

    DCSH applies two algorithms, the Weighted Cuthill-McKee bandwidth-reducing algorithm and the Sloan profile/wavefront-reducing algorithm. It then chooses the best order out of the orders produced by these two algorithms as well as their reverse orders, based on the Weighted Event Span (WES) metric.

    The DCSH algorithm is currently considered experimental. It is therefore disabled by default, but can be enabled using the BDD DCSH variable ordering algorithm option (see options section above).


    The FORCE algorithm of [Aloul et al. (2003)] aims to optimize an existing variable order, but may get stuck in a local optimum.

    FORCE iteratively computes new variable orders by considering relations between the variables. Conceptually, highly related variables 'pull' each other closer with more force than less related variables do. Each new order is promoted as the new best order, if it is better than the current best order, based on the total span metric. The iterative algorithm stops once a fixed point has been reached, or after at most 10 * ceil(loge(n)) iterations of the algorithm have been performed, with n the number of synthesis variables.

    The FORCE algorithm is enabled by default, but can be disabled using the BDD FORCE variable ordering algorithm option (see options section above).

  • Sliding window

    The sliding window algorithm aims to locally optimize an existing variable order for each window.

    The sliding window algorithm 'slides' over the variable order, from left to right, one variable at a time, using a fixed-length window. A window is a part of the entire order. For instance, for a variable order a;b;c;d;e and windows length 3, the window at index 0 would be a;b;c, at index 1 it would be b;c;d, and at index 2 it would be c;d;e. For each window, it computes all possible variable permutations, and selects the best one based on the total span metric. It then replaces the window by the best permutation of that window, before moving on to the next window.

    The sliding window algorithm is enabled by default, but can be disabled using the BDD sliding window variable ordering algorithm option (see options section above).

    The default maximum length of the window that is used is 4. The actual window may be smaller, if less than 4 variables and/or location pointers are present in the model. The maximum length of the window can be configured using the BDD sliding window size option (see options section above). The option to set the maximum length only has effect if the sliding window variable ordering algorithm is enabled. The size must be an integer number in the range [1 .. 12].

If enabled, the algorithms are applied in the order they are listed above.

BDD operation cache

One of the main properties of BDDs is that they employ full sharing. That is, if a part of a binary tree needs to be represented more than once, it is stored only once, and reused. This leads to BDDs being represented using directed acyclic graphs, rather than binary trees.

The BDD library uses an operation cache to speed up synthesis. Whenever a certain operation is performed on one or more nodes of a BDD graph, the result is cached. If that same operation is performed again on the same nodes, the cached result is reused, if available. This way, repeated calculations can be prevented for shared sub-graphs.

The operation cache is essential for the performance of the synthesis algorithm. With an infinite cache, the operations are generally linear in the number of nodes used to represent the BDDs on which they are applied. Without caching, the computation time grows exponentially.

Obviously, in practice we can’t have an infinite cache, as a computer only has a finite amount of memory available. We thus need to work with a finite cache. Whenever a new cached operation result doesn’t fit in the cache, an older result is overwritten, and will need to be recomputed if it is needed again.

Increasing the cache size can significantly increase performance for large systems, as a cache that is too small is ineffective, and results in many operations needing to be repeated, that could have otherwise been obtained from the cache. However, a larger than needed cache may also significantly decrease performance, as a cache that is too large may no longer fit within CPU caches, leading to more expensive accesses to the main memory.

The operation cache size can be configured in two ways: as a fixed size that remains the same during the entire synthesis, or a variable cache size that grows in size as the node table grows in size. See the options section above for details.


The following options have an effect on the performance of data-based synthesis:

Kind Option Section Effect Choose


BDD output mode

BDD representation in CIF

Representation of BDDs in the output model

Use nodes output variant for best performance


BDD predicate simplify


Potentially smaller BDDs in the output

Enable for smaller output, although simplification itself also takes time


BDD variable order

BDD variable order

Better order for smaller BDD representations

Choose the best order, depends on the model, (reversed) model/sorted usually good choices, custom order allows for best performance


BDD DCSH variable ordering algorithm

BDD variable order

Better order for smaller BDD representations

Enable for automatic ordering


BDD FORCE variable ordering algorithm

BDD variable order

Better order for smaller BDD representations

Enable for automatic ordering


BDD sliding window variable ordering algorithm

BDD variable order

Better order for smaller BDD representations

Enable for automatic ordering


BDD sliding window size

BDD variable order

Better order for smaller BDD representations

Larger windows might allow for more optimization, but take more time


BDD library initial node table size


More storage for less resizes

Increase size for less resizes, at the cost of less memory locality


BDD library operation cache size/ratio

BDD operation cache

Increase cache for less computations

Enable, larger costs more memory, larger leads to less memory locality, size/ratio depends on model


Forward reachability

Forward reachability

Explore only reachable state space

Enable to reduce state space, although calculation itself may also be expensive, depends on model


Edge order

Edge order

Better order for less computations and smaller BDD representations

Choose the best order, depends on the model, custom order allows for best performance


Output mode

Debug output

Debug output on console

Disable for better performance


BDD debug max nodes/paths

Debug output

Size of predicates in debug output

The smaller, the less blowup, the better the performance




Statistics output on console or to file

Disable for better performance


Event warning

Early problem detection and Resulting supervisor

Warning for never enabled events

Disable for better performance


Plants referencing requirements warnings

Early problem detection

Warning for plants that reference requirement state

Disable for better performance

The first column categorizes the different options a bit, for different kind of options. The second column lists the different options. The third column indicates in which section on this page of the documentation you can find more information about that option. The fourth column indicates the effect of the option. The fifth column indicates what to choose for the option, for best performance, although a trade-off may be involved.

Obviously, the actual model that is used has a large impact as well. More variables often leads to longer synthesis times. However, the predicates that are used may also significantly impact performance.

Try to use state/event exclusion requirement invariants instead of requirement automata with a single location and self loops. Also, try to avoid an event-based modeling style, and use a data-based modeling style instead, if possible.

Input variables

Data-based synthesis supports input variables. The model itself doesn’t specify which value an input variable has at any given moment. Input variables can thus have any value (as long as it fits within the data type of the variable), and the value can change at any time. Input variables are ideal to model sensors.

To support this for data-based synthesis, the input variable is treated as a discrete variable with an arbitrary initial value. To allow the input variable to arbitrarily change, an uncontrollable event is added (with the same absolute name as the input variable). Also, a single edge is added for that event. The edge is always enabled (guard true, since the input variable can always change value), and the update indicates that it can get any value that it doesn’t currently have (x+ != x for x an input variable, with x the value of the variable before the update, and x+ the value of the variable after the update). Obviously, the value of the input variable is kept within the range of values that is allowed by its data type.

Using synthesis with requirements that restrict the allowed values of an input variable will result in an empty supervisor, as a supervisor can’t prevent the environment from changing the value of the input variable (it would have to restrict the uncontrollable event that is internally added to model value changes of the input variable). A supervisor can however impose additional restrictions on the initial value of an input variable. The supervisor can then only guarantee safe, non-blocking behavior if the system is initialized in accordance with the additional initialization restrictions.


  • [Aloul et al. (2003)] Fadi A. Aloul, Igor L. Markov and Karem A. Sakallah, "FORCE: A Fast and Easy-To-Implement Variable-Ordering Heuristic", In: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, pages 116-119, 2003, doi:10.1145/764808.764839

  • [Lousberg et al. (2020)] Sam Lousberg, Sander Thuijsman and Michel Reniers, "DSM-based variable ordering heuristic for reduced computational effort of symbolic supervisor synthesis", IFAC-PapersOnLine, volume 53, issue 4, pages 429-436, 2020, doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.04.058

  • [Minato (1996)] Shin-ichi Minato, "Binary Decision Diagrams and Applications for VLSI CAD", The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, volume 342, Springer, 1996, doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-1303-8

  • [Ouedraogo et al. (2011)] Lucien Ouedraogo, Ratnesh Kumar, Robi Malik and Knut Åkesson, "Nonblocking and Safe Control of Discrete-Event Systems Modeled as Extended Finite Automata", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, volume 8, issue 3, pages 560-569, 2011, doi:10.1109/TASE.2011.2124457

  • [Thuijsman et al. (2019)] Sander Thuijsman, Dennis Hendriks, Rolf Theunissen, Michel Reniers and Ramon Schiffelers, "Computational Effort of BDD-Based Supervisor Synthesis of Extended Finite Automata", In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pages 486-493, 2019, doi:10.1109/COASE.2019.8843327