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Date: 2018-02-16

The first significant milestone for the EE4J project is releasing Eclipse GlassFish as JavaEE 8 compatible as soon as possible. In light of this we need to ensure that changes in project repositories don’t break Java EE 8 compatibility and cause a release delay. Currently the TCKs for projects haven’t been moved over to EE4J so we are not in a position where we can test pull requests (PRs) to ensure they pass the TCK and retain compatibility.

With this in mind we are proposing a number of restrictions on projects during this transition.

  1. GitHub branch protection must be switched on for all projects and all branches except sandbox branches and repos. Sandbox branches and repositories are defined and setup by a project lead. The Master branch must be protected.

  2. For all protected branches/repos the following applies:

    1. For each proposed change an issue must be raised and discussed and a subsequent PR must be raised. No direct commits are allowed.

    2. A PR must be reviewed by other project committers and receive at least one approval to be merged.

  3. The Initial contribution must be tagged with an Initial Contribution tag.

  4. The Project lead for each project creates a protected EE4J_8 branch based on the initial contribution tag. This branch will be the version for the first platform release.

  5. In order to merge a PR into the EE4J_8 branch project lead or PMC approval is required and the change must be tested against the TCK which is currently not available.

  6. The PMC strongly recommends accepting only critical bug fixes to the EE4J_8 branch.

  7. The Master branch will be used for changes that will go into the next platform release.

  8. All changes related to the next EE4J platform release must be proposed by creating an issue, a corresponding branch will subsequently be created followed by a PR to Master.

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