July 2, 2013

Foundation Updates in This Issue

EclipseCon Europe - Important Dates

ECE 2013 logo

Summer has arrived, and soon it will be time for holidays. But be sure to note some important dates for EclipseCon Europe:

July 31: early bird submission deadline;

August 12: all proposals due.

Registration will open in mid-July, with early prices good through the end of September.

Sponsorships are selling quickly; see the website for details.

It's Kepler Time

Kepler portrait

Kepler, the annual Eclipse simultaneous release for 2013, has arrived, and it's ready for you to download!

Highlights include Stardust 1.0, Orion 3.0, Maven integration for WTP, and important updates to BIRT and Mylyn.

Eclipse Foundation Annual Report

The 2013 Eclipse Foundation Annual Community Report is available now. Last year the Board voted to change from a roadmap document to a community report, and this is the report's second edition.

Recent Project Proposals

Eclipse SCADA
The primary target of Eclipse SCADA is to provide a way to connect different industrial devices to a common communication system, and post-process as well as visualize the data to operating personnel.
EATOP is an Eclipse-based implementation of the EAST-ADL standard, which is a domain specific architecture description language (ADL) established in the automotive industry.
Concierge is a small-footprint implementation of the OSGi Core Specifications R3 standard optimized for mobile and embedded devices.
The main goal of the Ogee project is to provide tools for developers who want to consume and produce data using the OData protocol.

New Solutions Members


IBH Systems

Eclipse IT 2013
September 19-20, 2013
Crema, Italy

Eclipse Testing Day 2013
September 25, 2013
Darmstadt, Germanhy

EclipseCon Europe 2013
October 29-31, 2013
Ludwigsburg, Germany

Contact the Editor

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