Eclipse Papyrus ™
Modeling environment

Papyrus 6.6.0 Released
Posted Jan 11, 2024

The Eclipse Papyrus 6.6.0 2023-12 release is now available! Go to the Download page to install it as an update site or a zip archive. The associated RCP is available from the RCP download page as well.

Nest Papyrus release : 2023-12
Posted Jul 17, 2023

Papyrus won't be participating in the next 2023-09 release train and will publish its next 6.6.0 release for the next 2023-12 train.

Papyrus 6.5.0 Released
Posted Jun 19, 2023

The Eclipse Papyrus 6.5.0 2023-06 release is now available! Go to the Download page to install it as an update site or a zip archive. The associated RCP is available from the RCP download page as well.

Papyrus 6.4.0 Released
Posted Mar 22, 2023

The Eclipse Papyrus 6.4.0 2023-03 release is now available! Go to the Download page to install it as an update site or a zip archive. The associated RCP is available from the RCP download page as well.

Moka Released
Posted Jan 26, 2023

Papyrus Moka for eclipse 2022-12 release is now available! Go to the Market Place or use the update site to install it.

Open quote Given the success of this pilot project, the Eclipse and Papyrus based toolchain is now being deployed on most embedded-C projects at Spacebel. Close quote

Arnaud Bourdoux, Project Manager at Spacebel

Domain Specific

Domain Specific

To address any specific domain, every part of Eclipse Papyrus may be customized: UML profile, model explorer, diagram notation and style, properties views, palette and creation menus, and much more...



Eclipse Papyrus enables model-based techniques: model-based simulation, model-based formal testing, safety analysis, performance/trade-offs analysis, architecture exploration...


Industry ready, academia friendly

Eclipse Papyrus is an industrial-grade open source Model-Based Engineering tool. Eclipse Papyrus has notably been used successfuly in industrial projects and is the base platform for several industrial modeling tools.

Eclipse Papyrus Use Case Stories

Have a look to our detailed use case stories to learn how Eclipse Papyrus has been applied to enable MBE in practice:

Ericsson Use Case Story" Design, architects, and complex communication systems: painting the bigger picture "
Plastic Omnium Use Case Story" From document-centric to model-centric "
Plastic Omnium
Aldebaran Use Case Story" Humanoid robots family is growing "

A MBE solution for industrial and academic applications

As part of Polarsys (the Industrial Working Group of Eclipse), Eclipse Papyrus has become a PolarSys Solution.

In addition, in order to federate the industrial needs and efforts on MBE, a Papyrus Industry Consortium has been setup.

Finally, Eclipse Papyrus being open source, it has become the natural choice in academia for both teaching and research purposes.



UML 2.5.0

Eclipse Papyrus is graphical editing tool for UML 2 as defined by OMG. Eclipse Papyrus targets to implement 100% of the OMG specification!

Eclipse Papyrus provides editors for all the UML diagrams:

  • Class Diagram
  • Object Diagram
  • Package Diagram
  • Composite Structure Diagram
  • Component Diagram
  • Deployment Diagram
  • Profile Diagram
  • Use case Diagram
  • Activity Diagram
  • State machine Diagram
  • Communication Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • Timing Diagram
  • Interaction overview Diagram


SysML 1.1 and 1.4

Eclipse Papyrus provides also a complete support to SysML in order to enable model-based system engineering. Specific tabular and graphical editors required for SysML are also provided:

  • Block Definition Diagram
  • Internal Block Diagram
  • Requirement Diagram
  • Parametric Diagram
  • Requirement table
  • Allocation table

Model Execution

Model execution

Thanks to Moka, Eclipse Papyrus can execute models using a rich and extensible animation and simulation framework.

Also, as graphical modeling is not always the best way for specifying the behavior of executable models, Eclipse Papyrus provides textual notation edition with syntax highlight, completion and content assist. It is of course a customizable feature of Eclipse Papyrus.


Fully customizable environment

All the modeling features of Eclipse Papyrus are designed to be customizable and to maximize reuse. Therefore, should you want to adapt the standard configuration for a specific domain, notation, modeling practice or use the powerful customization mechanisms of Eclipse Papyrus to adapt the modeling environment to suit your needs. Many configurations in Eclipse Papyrus being model-based, the customization can be done live.

  • Define your own graphical, textual or tabular notation.
  • Filter existing palettes or define your own ones with a model-based configuration.
  • Define dedicated properties views to present just the characteristics that are important to you.
  • Read your model with dedicated model explorer structuring and rendering.
  • Reuse standard languages or define your own modeling language thanks to the UML profile editor.

Papyrus relatives

Eclipse Papyrus relatives

Many technologies complement, extend or use Papyrus. Following are key ones: