Feedback and Community

Do you have any questions or comments on Eclipse JKube?

Do you want to get involved?

A picture of multiple concrete cubes aligned in a grid
A picture of multiple concrete cubes aligned in a grid


For any question, bug reporting, feature request, etc. please open a GitHub issue in our main repository.

Public chat

If you need an answer right away, check the Eclipse JKube Gitter channel. Community and team members are eager to help you out or point to helpful resources to solve your questions.


For the latest news about Eclipse JKube, follow @jkubeio on Twitter.


Subscribe to our YouTube channel where you'll find Demos, links to conference talks, Sprint Reviews, etc.

Stack Overflow

Check out for existing questions tagged with jkube or ask your own.

Mailing list

Sign up to our mailing list to receive official updates about Eclipse JKube.

Planning and Meetings

Check our team's plans in Eclipse JKube's projects page.

  • Sprints last 3 weeks and are aligned with Red Hat Developer Tools team calendar schedule.
  • Planning meetings held before Sprint starts (check team calendar for specific date and time).

Team Calendar

Stay tuned to our public calendar to see when our next Sprint planning or meeting happens and feel free to join our public meeting room.