wst components
web standard tools components
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This document describes the component structure for the Web Standard Tools subproject. As the name of this subproject implies, our scope includes Web standards, such as HTML, XML, and related standards which are defined by organizations such as W3C, OASIS, and ANSI. This is in contrast to the J2EE Standard Tools subproject whose scope is the J2EE specification as defined by the JCP. One of the main organizing principles of this subproject is to group all work related to a given standard within a single component. For example, there are components for HTML, XML, and SQL. The other main organizing principle is to create a component for each major framework. For example, there are components for Server tools and Structure Source Editing. Finally, there are components for related sets of code that do not fall into either of the two main categorizations. For example, there is a common component for utilities and other shared infrastructure code.

CVS Repository

All WST components are stored in the Eclipse CVS repository at in the path /home/webtools/wst/components.


The following sections briefly describe the components and their component leads.


The assembly component contains features definitions for building the WST release, its SDK, and its test suite. The component leads are Deniz Seçilir and Dominique de Vito.


The command component contains command infrastructure including the Environment Command framework and the Dynamic Wizard framework. This infrastructure is required by the webtooling project, but is not specific to webtooling per se. We need to harmonize the several existing command approaches. The component lead is Chris Brealey.


The common component contains common utilities and infrastructure which are required by the webtooling project, but which are not specific to webtooling per se. The most notable examples are the Extensible Navigator, Tabbed Properties View, Snippets View, and Extensible URI Resolver. The component lead is Craig Salter.


The css component contains the CSS editor, model, views, wizards, etc. The component lead is David Williams.


The doc component contains the end user and ISV documentation for the WST subproject. This includes infopops and both Eclipse integrated and online help. The component lead is Lawrence Mandel.


The dtd component contains the DTD editor, model, views, wizards, etc. The component lead is Nitin Dahyabhai.


The html component contains the HTML/XHTML editor, model, views, wizards, etc. The component lead is David Williams.


The internet component contains Internet preferences (e.g. proxy server configuration), Web browser support, and the TCP/IP monitor. The component lead is Tim deBoer.


The javascript component contains the JavaScript editor, model, views, wizards, etc. The component lead is David Williams.


The rdb component contains the relational database model DB Definition Model , DB Definition Model Java Docs , which is derived from RDBModel - Based on SQL 99/2003 , RDBModel Java Docs , vendor-specific database definitions and relational utilities. It also provides a database server explorer with the ability to connect to databases and sample data. A SQL Scrapbook editor allows you to enter and execute SQL, displaying the results in an Output view. The co-leads are Der Ping Chou and Sheila Sholars.


The server component contains the Server Tools framework and adapters for selected servers. At the WST level, the server component is a very generic infrastructure. (The J2EE specific server component is in JST). The component lead is Tim deBoer.


The sse component contains the Structured Source Editor framework. This framework provides some abstract models and ui infrastructure slightly above the base text infrastructure but lower than any specific language which uses it, such as XML, CSS, HTML, and JSP. The component lead is David Williams.


The validation component contains the Validation framework which coordinates the registration and execution of validators. Validators are a special form of an Eclipse builder which (typically) does not produce derived output, can have performance advantages, can be used for "batch" validation, putting errors or warnings in the task view, and sometimes can be (re)used for source page validation, putting "temporary" annotation in editors. The language/component validators, e.g HTML link checker, XSD validator, and WSDL validator, are located in their specific components, this Validation component simply provides the framework. The component lead is Chuck Bridgham.


The web component contains models, natures and builders for Web projects. The component lead is Chuck Bridgham.


The ws component contains the Web Services Explorer, Apache SOAP, Apache Axis, UDDI4J and WSIL4J models and a number of general purpose frameworks for use by callers and extenders of the Web services platform. The component lead is Chris Brealey.


The wsdl component contains the WSDL editor, model, views, wizards, etc. The component lead is Craig Salter.



The wsi component contains WS-I Test Tools which will be repatriated from the WSVT project. The component lead is Craig Salter.


The xml component contains the XML editor, model, views, wizards, etc. It contains an incremental, fault tolerant DOM parser, which is also the basis of several other similar models in HTML and JSP. The component lead is David Williams.


The xsd component contains the XSD editor, views, wizards, etc. The component lead is Craig Salter.
