Top Down Web Service Supporting Flexible Projects
Top Down Web Service Supporting Flexible Projects
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By Kathy Chan
August 11, 2005


This document is one of a series of tutorials to demonstrate the use of the Web Services tools in the Web Tools Platform Project using the WTP 0.7 drivers.


This tutorial shows how to create a simple top-down Web service from a WSDL file. The WSDL file in this scenario calculates the area of an rectangle.

Set Up

Before creating the Web service, there are three prerequisites:

  1. Install Apache Tomcat
  2. Set the J2EE Project Module Preference to allow multiple modules per project. Open Window -> Preferences... -> J2EE Project Modules Preference and check the Allow Multiple modules per project option.
  3. Create a Web project
    1. Open File -> New -> Other... -> Web -> Dynamic Web Project to create a new flexible project and Web module.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Add a new project by clicking New... beside the project name field.
    4. Enter AreaProject into the Name field.
    5. Ensure that the Target server is set to Apache Tomcat v5.0 . If you have not previously configured a server runtime use the New... button beside the Target server field to do so. Result:

    6. Click Finish to go back to the Dynamic Web Project wizard.
    7. Enter area into the Module Name field. Result:

    8. Click Finish.
    9. Say Yes to open the J2EE perspective and you will see the AreaProject you created listed under Dynamic Web Projects in the Project Explorer view. Expand the AreaProject project to see its contents.

Create a top down Java bean Web service
  1. Import the file AreaService.wsdl into AreaProject/area/WebContent.
  2. Select the AreaService.wsdl file.
  3. Open File -> New -> Other... -> Web Services -> Web Service.
  4. Click Next
  5. In the Web service type combo, select Top down Java bean Web Service .
  6. Select Overwrite files without warning . Result:

  7. Click Next . Result:

  8. Click Next to get to the Service Deployment Configuration Page . Result:

  9. If you want to choose a server different from the one defaulted by the wizard, click the Edit button to: select a server
  10. Click Finish.
  11. It will take about one minute for the wizard to assemble the Web service projects, start Apache Tomcat and deploy the projects to Tomcat. Once finished, the Java implementation file will appear in the browser view. Fill in the expression parameters.getHeight()*parameters.getWidth() as the return value for the calculateRectArea method and save the file.


Follow the instructions at Creating Web Service Client to create a Web service client that you can then use to test this Web service.