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WTP Adopters

web tools platform adopters


WTP is a platform and so adoption by others is a major goal of the project. You are a WTP adopter if you are a commercial vendor or an Open Source project that is using or is planning to use WTP in one or more of your products. This page lists information for WTP adopters.

Hot Bugs

The WTP project gives high priority to bugs that promote adoption. If you are an adopter and need a fix for an upcoming release, please follow the hot bug process to request that your bug be placed on the Hot List. We can't guarantee that we'll fix every Hot Bug, but we will give them high priorties.

WTP API Policy

The WTP API Policy can be found on the wiki.

Tools to generate API and non-API usage reports

The PDE, in the Eclipse Platform, provides tools to scan your code to see what API, and non-API, your code uses from WTP (or other Eclipse projects). See Eclipse Help and various Eclispe wiki pages and blog entries for details and ways to get started.

As an adopter, you can make use of these scan reports in several ways, mostly concerned with non-API use:

  • Check what non-API your code uses, and see if there is an API way to accomplish the same thing.
  • If you find you do need to use a non-API for something, and there is no API alternative, you are welcome to open an enhancement requests for WTP to provide the function as API. Be sure to describe your current non-API use, but also be clear on your whole use-case, and what you are need to accomplish. The solution is seldom simply to declare non-API as API.
  • Even if we can not provide the API you need (due to not having enough time and resources to do everything we need to) it is helpful to have non-API usage reports simply so we can be sensitive you needs, and when possible, avoid changing these non-APIs, unless there is a good reason to.

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