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Installation Instructions

Here you can find instructions on how to install Subversive using different types of Subversive distributions.


The Subversive (SVN) installation consists of installing the Subversive plug-in and a Subversive SVN Connector. The Subversive plug-in is developed as an Eclipse official project with an EPL license and is distributed from the Eclipse website. A Subversive SVN Connector uses a SVN library to communicate with SVN repositories. Currently, there is only the connector which uses the SVNKit library. This library is developed as open-source project, but since its license is not EPL-compatible, the whole connector has to be distributed from an external website.

In order to use Subversive, you have to install the Subversive plug-in and the connector that is compatible with your operating system (OS) and the used SVN version.

Phase 1 - Installation of the Subversive Plug-In

You can install Subversive using its online or archived update site.

Phase 2 - Installation of Subversive SVN Connectors

Once the Subversive plug-in is installed and Eclipse is rebooted, Subversive automatically displays the dialog that shows Subversive SVN Connectors compatible with the installed version of the plug-in. Alternatively, you can install Subversive SVN Connectors from online and archived update sites for connectors.

  • Run Eclipse and select Help > Install New Software... from the main menu.
  • In the Install dialog that appears, press the Add... button and enter the URL of the following update site:
  • Select the required features to install and follow the standard plug-in installation procedure. Reboot Eclipse after installation is complete.

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