Interface IEffect

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEffect, AlphaEffect, CrossFadeEffect, GalleryGroupResizeEffect, GrowEffect, MoveControlEffect, MoveScrollBarEffect, ParallelEffect, ResizeEffect, SequenceEffect, SetBoundsEffect, SetColorEffect, ShakeEffect

public interface IEffect
All animation effects must implement this interface.

Note : an effect should not do initialization in constructor, but at the first call to doEffect(). For instance, a move effect should not get the initial position of an object in the constructor, because the object may have moved between creation and effect start.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void cancel()
    Set the effect as done and run the cancel runnable.
    void doEffect​(long time)
    Apply effect to the target according to the given time.
    long getLength()
    Get effect length
    boolean isDone()  
  • Method Details

    • cancel

      void cancel()
      Set the effect as done and run the cancel runnable.
    • doEffect

      void doEffect​(long time)
      Apply effect to the target according to the given time.
      time - - Current time in ms. This value may be larger than the effect length.
    • getLength

      long getLength()
      Get effect length
      length (ms)
    • isDone

      boolean isDone()
      true if the effect as already reached its end.