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Release Resolved Community Contributions
May 8, 2013
Service Release
Includes: Mylyn 3.8.4, Mylyn Builds 1.0.4, Mylyn Commons 3.8.4, Mylyn Context 3.8.4, Mylyn Docs 1.7.4, Mylyn Reviews 1.0.4. Mylyn Tasks 3.8.4, Mylyn Versions 1.0.4.
March 1, 2013
Service Release
Includes: Mylyn 3.8.3, Mylyn Builds 1.0.3, Mylyn Commons 3.8.3, Mylyn Context 3.8.3, Mylyn Docs 1.7.3, Mylyn Reviews 1.0.3. Mylyn Tasks 3.8.3, Mylyn Versions 1.0.3.
September 28, 2012
Service Release
Includes: Mylyn 3.8.2, Mylyn Builds 1.0.2, Mylyn Commons 3.8.2, Mylyn Context 3.8.2, Mylyn Docs 1.7.2, Mylyn Reviews 1.0.2. Mylyn Tasks 3.8.2, Mylyn Versions 1.0.2.
July 27, 2012
Service Release
Includes: Mylyn 3.8.1, Mylyn Builds 1.0.1, Mylyn Commons 3.8.1, Mylyn Context 3.8.1, Mylyn Docs 1.7.1, Mylyn Reviews 1.0.1. Mylyn Tasks 3.8.1, Mylyn Versions 1.0.1.
June 27, 2012
Benjamin Muskalla contributed several API improvements for the Tasks framework. Additional contributions were provided by Robert Munteanu, Manuel Doninger, Lucas Panjer and Sebastien Dubois.
Includes: Mylyn 3.8, Mylyn Builds 1.0, Mylyn Commons 3.8, Mylyn Context 3.8, Mylyn Docs 1.7, Mylyn Reviews 1.0. Mylyn Tasks 3.8, Mylyn Versions 1.0.
April 25, 2012
Service release.
Includes: Mylyn 3.7.1, Mylyn Builds 0.9.1, Mylyn Commons 3.7.1, Mylyn Context 3.7.1, Mylyn Docs 1.6.1, Mylyn Reviews 0.9.1. Mylyn Tasks 3.7.1, Mylyn Versions 0.9.1.
March 21, 2012
Kevin Sawicki contributed several UI enhancements for the Gerrit and Hudson connectors and Torkild U. Resheim provided Wiki markup to EPUB conversion support. Additional contributions were provided by Manuel Doninger, Robert Munteanu, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, Tomasz Zarna, Abner Ballardo, Jan Mauersberger, Nicolas Bros, Igor Malinin, John Arthorne, Patrick Boisclair, Mike Wu, Maarten Meijer and Christian Trutz.
Includes: Mylyn 3.7, Mylyn Builds 0.9, Mylyn Commons 3.7, Mylyn Context 3.7, Mylyn Docs 1.6, Mylyn Reviews 0.9. Mylyn Tasks 3.7, Mylyn Versions 0.9.

Also see the New & Noteworthy for previous releases

New in Mylyn 3.8

Mylyn 3.8 requires Eclipse 3.7 or later. See the download page for repository locations.


Task List

Search Index for Tasks

Filtering in the Task List now supports querying over common task fields allowing to filter tasks by content. Specific fields can be searched by prefixing the search text with field:. Fields that specify dates can be filtered by specifying date ranges, e.g. show tasks that were created in the past 7 days only.

The find field has content assist (Ctrl+Space) available. Common date ranges can be easily selected for fields that store time information and completions based on known people are provided for fields that store person information.

Open Multiple Tasks

The Open Task dialog (Ctrl+F12) support opening multiple tasks at once.


Task Editor

Filter Obsolete Attachments

Obsolete attachments can be filtered from the attachments section in the Task Editor. The filter can be toggled through the toolbar icon in the top-right corner of the section header.

Additionally, the toolbar of the Attachments section shows an icon for quick capturing of screen shots.

Reordered Sections

Private notes are displayed above the description.

Incremental Find

The Task Editor supports incremental find (Ctrl+J). This only works within text fields that are rendered with the WikiText extension such as comments or the description.



Wiki Markup to EPUB Conversion

WikiText markup in all supported formats (Textile, MediaWiki, Creole, Confluence etc.) can be converted to XHTML and packaged as EPUB using a one step wizard found in the file popup menu. Simply right click on a markup file and select WikiText > Generate EPUB in order to start the wizard.

The wizard presents an UI for filling out all required properties and produces an EPUB compatible with all reading systems pertaining to the 2.0.1 version of the specification.

Ant Task for Assembling EPUB Documents

If more control and flexibility is required when assembling EPUBs, the Ant task may be used to this end. It supports all EPUB features except Digital Rights Management (DRM), fallback mechanisms for unsupported file formats and multiple root files within one publication.

Task elements and attributes are laid out similar to the Open Publication Structure (OPS) format and should be easily understandable with the OPS specification in hand. In addition the user guide contains detailed descriptions on how to use this task.

Support for Creole Markup

WikiText now support the Creole markup dialect.

Creole support is part of the WikiText Extras feature and only available from the Mylyn Docs nightly repository .


Bugzilla Connector

Improved Content Assist

Content assist shows names for known users and matches on first and last name.

User Matching

If an invalid or incomplete user name is provided on task submission the Task Editor now provides content assist that shows suggestions provided by Bugzilla.

Custom Priority Levels

Custom priority levels are mapped to P1-P5 priority levels in the Task List.

Bugzilla 4.2

Bugzilla 4.2 is supported.


Trac Connector

Streamlined Search and Query Page

The layout of the Trac query and search page has been streamlined and is more consistent with other connectors. In addition it now supports clearing of all search fields.


Gerrit Connector

Gerrit 2.3 and Gerrit 2.4

Gerrit 2.3 and 2.4 are supported.

Compare Patch Sets

To easily review changes between patch sets a button is now shown below each patch set to compare it with other patch sets.

The differences are shown in the compare editor making it very easy to navigate through changed files. Comments can be viewed and added inline.

Import Git Repositories

EGit provides an import wizard (File > Import > Projects from Git) for importing of project from Git repositories. When a Gerrit server has been configured the wizard provides a listing of all Git repositories from that server. This enables simple cloning and importing of available projects.

Hyperlinking for Change IDs

References to Gerrit change IDs in the publish dialog and review editor are now hyperlinked.

Additionally, URLs that reference Gerrit changes are opened in the review editor instead of the browser. Gerrit's short URL format is supported as well as full URLs.

Hyperlinking for Link Patterns

Comment link patterns specified in the Gerrit configuration are recognized and hyperlinked in the review editor and publish dialog. This allows seamless navigation between reviews and tasks without leaving the IDE.

Custom Queries

The query page has a field for specifying custom queries. All queries allowed by Gerrit are supported such as querying for all starred reviews.

OpenID Authentication

The Gerrit connector supports authentication through OpenID providers. The OpenID provider URL needs to be selected or specified in the repository settings.

The password prompt is displayed in a browser window.

Repository Creation on Fetch

When fetching a change set from a Git repository that does not exist in the workspace a dialog is shown to automatically clone the repository.

Author Information for Patch Sets

The patch set sections shows author and commit information for each patch set.


Hudson/Jenkins Connector

Refresh on View Activation

When the Builds is focused it automatically refreshes. This is particularly useful when the view is hidden or in fast-view by default. Refreshing can be controlled through a preference.

Hudson 3.0

Hudson 3.0M2 is supported

Hierarchical View of Artifacts

The artifacts section of the build editor now shows the folder hierarchy.

Links Open in Builds Editor

If a link that points to a Hudson build for a configured server is clicked, it is opened in the build editor providing seamless navigation between tasks, reviews and builds.

Authentication Improvements

The Hudson connector now uses form-based authentication to support servers that have Cross Site Request Forgery prevention enabled. Additionally, the settings page now has a section for configuring certificate authentication.


Subclipse Connector

Subclipse Connector

The Subclipse Connector which provides change set integration for builds and code reviews is now available from the main repository.


Framework and API

See porting guide for additional notes on API changes.

Tasks: Generic Client Manager

The RepositoryClientManager class that is now available as API and can be reused by connectors: bug 375076.

Commons: Restructuring and Deprecation

The Mylyn Commons components were restructured and provisional packages were promoted to API. Consumers are strongly encouraged to consume the new APIs for Mylyn 3.7 based extensions. See porting guide for more details.

Commons: URL Handler

The org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui bundle provides an extension point for registering handlers that open URLs in rich editors: bug 346046.

Commons: Improved Authentication APIs

The repositories framework now support OpenID, HTTP and certificate authentication: bug 317907.

Commons: HttpCore Based Transport Layer

The org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.http.core bundle provides an HttpCore 4.1 based HTTP transport layer that replaces bug 335254.

Docs: API for creating Wiki markup

WikiText provides an API for converting content to Wiki markup: bug 357294.

Incubator: Query API for Desktop Search

The desktop search integration in the Incubator has API for constructing search queries: bug 354430.

Tasks: Improved Query Page API

An enhanced query and search page abstraction is available in AbstractRepositoryQueryPage2. Refresh and Clear buttons are provided by the framework for refreshing the repository configuration and clearing fields. Additionally, state is automatically persisted for search pages. See bug 310059.

Tasks: Task Activation Listener Extension Point

The Tasks framework has an extension point for registering task activation listeners: bug 349924.

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