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Graphical Modeling Project (GMP)

The Eclipse Graphical Modeling Project (GMP) provides a set of generative components and runtime infrastructures for developing graphical editors based on EMF and GEF.

GMF Tooling

The GMF Tooling project provides a model-driven approach to generating graphical editors in Eclipse.

By defining a tooling, graphical and mapping model definition, one can generate a fully functional graphical editor based on the GMF Runtime.

For more details, latest news, please visit new GMF-Tooling home site

GMF Runtime

The GMF runtime is an industry proven application framework for creating graphical editors using EMF and GEF.

GMF Notation

The GMF Notation Project provides a standard EMF notational meta model.

Validation (Incubation) PhaseGraphiti

Graphiti is an Eclipse-based graphics framework to enable easy development of state-of-the-art diagram editors for domain models.


Feb 26th, 2010 - Release GMF 2.2.2 is available as part of the Galileo SR2 simultaneous release.

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