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[Wtp-wst-dev] RE: [wtp-jst-dev] Xerces & EMF

At SAS we've had no end of trouble with Xerces as well (outside of Eclipse). Same problems as mentioned here. One internal project even dropped Java because of this and converted to .Net.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Naci Dai
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 3:02 AM
> Subject: [wtp-jst-dev] Xerces & EMF
> Our experience (Lomboz) with xerces as a plugin has been very negative.  We 
> often run into conflicts with other plugins and JDK1.4, and it created 
> headaches for ordinary users.  Our fix (not a solution) was to clean the 
> code not use xerces, this meant we had to give up a few things for the sake 
> of manageability.
> -EMF and -Djava.endorsed.dirs is also a clumsy fix too.
> If the setup is not managed by an "Installer", these will create problems. 
> I don't think there is a simple solution  as longs as eclipse based 
> installations remain "unzip" and jdk/xerces conflict remains.

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