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Re: [wtp-releng] How does CBI know where to pull from?

On 09/29/2014 10:54 PM, Ian Trimble wrote:

I’m curious how CBI knows from where to get a source tree for a particular repository. I assumed it would get the map file from a particular branch and that would tell it what commit to grab. But in webtools.maps, I see no R3_6_maintenance, or even R3_6_1. So now I wonder from where CBI has been getting source for 3.6.1. What am I missing here?

CBI doesn't use map files. Instead it uses a composite Git repository: with submodules. With submodules, you can reference specific commits or branches for any other Git repo, so you have similar control as what you have with map files.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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