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Fw: [wtp-releng] Servertools status....

To keep everyone up to date, I just raised bug# 263890 for PMC approval.

Best Regards,
-- --
Mr. Angel Vera
Server Tools Developer for WTP and Rational
Lotus Notes: Angel Vera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Tel: 905-413-5919 - E-Mail: arvera@xxxxxxxxxx
Those who think that something is impossible,
should not interfere with those who are willing to do it. - Angel Vera
----- Forwarded by Angel Vera/Toronto/IBM on 02/06/2009 04:33 PM -----


Angel Vera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA




02/06/2009 02:43 PM


[wtp-releng] Servertools status....

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I am little behind on the smoke test since I have been working on two critical bugs that came in late yesterday.

[Bug# 261243] MANIFEST.MF generated with size 65536

Already fixed, and verified.

[Bug# 263890] [regression] Run on Server does not run publish first, if server is not yet started.

Which requires a little more thinking and testing due to some other findings during testing. Since it is a regression we will need to re-spin, and I would request that the webservices component does some level of testing. To make sure it is not affecting their scenario.

I will update the mailing list once the changes for the second bug have been committed.

Best Regards,
-- --
Mr. Angel Vera
Server Tools Developer for WTP and Rational
Lotus Notes: Angel Vera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Tel: 905-413-5919 - E-Mail: arvera@xxxxxxxxxx
Those who think that something is impossible,
should not interfere with those who are willing to do it. - Angel Vera
wtp-releng mailing list

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