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[wtp-pmc] Some more M6/RC0 "great bugs" to submit to EMO

Tim, et., al.,

While not giving deserving credit to everyone who helps so much with WTP, I did spend 30 minutes or so reviewing our bugs fixed in M6, and found the following three that I thought deserved nomination to the "great bug" contest being sponsored by the EMO.

If you (and others) agree these are appropriate, please forward them on to the EMO for recognition this milestone.

I've annotated in each bug, the reasons they stood out to me. I'm sure there's many other deserving ones, if any one else has any to nominate.

I'm sending the list in this note, only because we've already had our PMC meeting this week, and didn't have time to do before that meeting where we reviewed.


136003 blo P3 ewchan@xxxxxxxxxx RESO FIXE Extension point org.eclipse.jst.server.core.serverProfile...
131621 maj P3 cameron.bateman@xxxxxxxxxx RESO FIXE DocumentRegionProcessor throwing uncaught NPE
121235 nor P3 olivier@xxxxxxxxxxx RESO FIXE [emfworkbench] Translator: call to a setter with member f...

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