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RE: [wtp-incubator-dev] EMF2DOMSSE

I would look for examples of EMF2DOM usage in the code that handles serialization of Java EE deployment descriptors, such as WebArtifactEdit. That's what I used as a reference when we tried going down that path in a commercial product I am working on. 

Have to say though, we ended up wasting a lot of time (many months) with that approach and ultimately threw away all the code that we wrote. It was just too unstable. The EMF and DOM models would get out of sync easily and chasing down these bugs was extremely time consuming as the problems weren't exactly easy to reproduce. After sinking a bunch of time into that approach, we ended up concluding that maintaining two models in memory with bi-directional synchronization was just unnecessarily complicated. We ended up implementing a DOM wrapper model approach. We got a nice clean model-based interface that way and only one model in memory (all getters and setters would read/modify DOM nodes directly). Unfortunately, we had to code the model by hand. The only system that I am aware of that can code gen code like that is Apache XMLBeans and we didn't really want to use that for a variety of reasons. Both EMF and JAXB don't handle this scenario. They are good for cases where you have to slurp in contents of an XML file, make some changes and then spit an XML file back out, but are not a good fit for building an XML editor (in my opinion). 

Just some food for thought.

BTW, I proposed a talk for EC2009 to share our experience in this area and to show the system that we ended up building.

Building form-based editor for XML files using WTP's XML editor

- Konstantin

Konstantin Komissarchik | Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 425 201 1795 | Mobile: +1 206 898 0611 
Oracle Eclipse Tooling
411 108th Ave NE, Suite 2100 | Bellevue, WA 98004 

-----Original Message-----
From: wtp-incubator-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-incubator-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Carver
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:44 AM
To: WTP Incubator Dev list
Subject: [wtp-incubator-dev] EMF2DOMSSE

I'm looking for a some sample WTP plugins that leverage and implement
the EMF2DOMSSE set of classes.   I've got the VEX Document Model
converted into an EMF model, and would like to use the EMF2DOMSSE
framework to synchronize changes between the EMF and WTP DOM model, so I
can get my multipage editor for VEX up and running.

Jesper, I know that you are lurking, and I found some bug reports where
you had investigated and were using this for the Mule IDE, any thoughts
or tips where I need to start?


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