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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Adding Embedded Content/Regions to XML Editor

Maybe I'm missing the finer detailed picture :) but in general, partition types are merely a handy way to configure things in the Eclipse Document/Editor framework ... so that, at least to some degree, what ever produces the partition type, doesn't have to know anything about who uses that partition (and vice versa).
Correct, and PartitionTypes are also used to help limit the scope of which Content Assist Processors are available in particular partitions. I.e. you don't necessarily want full XML content assist within a XPath Partition (I'll switch to that terminology as that is really what it is identify).

So, I think there's some sense in having an XSL_Partition, though I might call it an XSL_Select_Partition. That would just allow some code divisions of all the complications of select attributes. But, I'm not sure there would be much advantage on a finer level of detail in partition types (but, I don't know XSL all that well).
As Jesper said, the XPath partition can actually appear in any attribute within the XSL document. This is done by the use of { }, which is a short cut for doing an xsl:value-of inside an attribute (you can't do xsl:value-of inside an attribute becuase it's an element and you can't have elements in attributes. Along with this the test and match attributes also need to have the XPath partition type on them as well.

Don't forget, the processors ... content assist, highlighting, etc., can still do _some_ smart (complicated) things where they (possibly) re-parse the attribute value, and do different things based on exactly what's there and where the cursor is, etc. And, then, that could be your own mini-parser that's specialized for that case, instead of having to fit in and handle xml parsing in general.
Yeah, the problem is that it makes it more complicated than it needs to be...lots of overriding and rewriting of the base functionality of the content assisters and proposals. The issue is that the eclipse standard content assist wants to start with all data from the beginning of the region up to the current cursor position and use that to determine the proposals. It also by default wants to overwrite the entire contents instead of inserting the content. Again, you have to get down pretty deep to start overriding some of this functionality. It gets to be very messy as well.

By having a particular partition and specific content assist processors, some content assist options can be better controled just for XSL. You don't necessarily want to add { to the xml content assist processor, and for doing XPath completion you may want to add [(/:: and a few others to help offer proposals at certain points. By having it in the XPath partition this is much easier to control.

A good example, I think, of where partitions are handy is the HTML Script tag ... maybe you could see if XSL fits this model. In the following examples, from the spec, the main partitioner doesn't need to know much about the difference between vbscript, javascript, and tlk, ... just know how to create partitions of the type SCRIPT_VB, SCRIPT_JS, or SCRIPT_TLK, (based solely on the <script tag, then others can create "smart processors" for those different languages contained within the script tag. and, I believe, attributes such as "onmouseover", etc., can also have different languages, so that's where the similarity to XSL is. But ... can you really have different "languages" in the select attributes? Or, is it something you, and the XSL_Select processor would know about (i.e. always XPATH)?


<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
... (SCRIPT_JS Partition)

<SCRIPT type="text/vbscript">
... (SCRIPT_VB Partition)

<SCRIPT type="text/tcl">
... (SCRIPT_TCL Partition)


Hope it helps ...
I've got the partitions created already (well to a point, I need to limit them to certain attributes, but when the StructuredDocumentPartitioner classes are called I can't seem to find a way to determine the element name that I'm on to help fine tune this. I believe the above uses an Embedded Content type to help setup a container for this. It's something I looked into but wasn't quite sure how to implement the Embedded Content and Container so that I could implement the XPath specific parsing and region setup. Any clues on how to do this with the XML editor and not having to change the XMLTokenizer would be appreciated.



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