Verdict: no, it does not :(
I have fiddled around a bit with measuring the memory consumption of Rete
on the queries of the CPS example.
Note that only the queries in the cps.xform.m2m namespace are part of the
benchmark proper.
The memory consumption is measured separately for each query and both the
absolute and relative memory footprints are recorded (in the first two columns).
”Relative” is measured against a baseline formed by all dependencies of a
pattern, so that the “local” costs will stand out (see the
RelativeQueryPerformanceTest class).
All memory measurements are
approximative, so some noise is to be expected. As a noise-reducing effort, I
took the median of 3 (in some cases 5) repeated runs (see separate columns); and
in one case (triggerPair), I had to manually repeat the measurement due to freak
outlier results.
Tab #1 is the most important to look at; it evaluates a list of queries
(ordered by relative query footprint, descending) on the transformed CPS model
generated with size factor 32, using a more or less current snapshot Viatra
Query from early January.
It has been compared to (a) an older version from
late November, and (b) the same version running on the model generated with
scale factor 1.
The first comparison, on request by István Ráth, is there essentially to
determine whether the improved functional dependency analysis has had any
impact; see column “ΔRMEM”.
For most queries, the patch appears to be
indifferent; among the top 20 queries by footprint (there is too much noise
further down), it seems there is one significant improvement
(triggerPairWithoutReachability) and one significant regression
(multipleTransitionsWithSameAction) between the two versions.
I have verified using the Rete visualizer that the former is indeed due to
the better query plan allowed by functional dependency information.
The latter seems to be a random side-effect (nothing really to do with
functional dependencies); the query planner essentially makes a blind decision
when evaluating this query, which seems to have went one way with the earlier
version and another in the newer one.
The second comparison tries to find out whether queries on models that are
32 times bigger really take up 32 times more space.
Actually, the base 32
logarithm of the ratio of memory footprints is computed; this should be around
1.0 for linear scalability, around 2.0 for quadratic sizes, around 0.0 for the
constant parts that are not grown by the generator, etc. See column
It is quite apparent that for a model this large, the costliest queries are
exactly those where this scaling factor is high.