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[unide-dev] Discussion today: Unide



Today, we had a very fruitful discussion with Frank Patz-Brockmann.

Your feedback would be appreciated!

We concluded the following regarding PPMP/Unide:

·         PPMP (v3) shall

o    not include additional complexity but rather prepare the basis for extension mechanisms

o    remain a one-way communication stream

o    describe the process for requesting new features / collaborate [Frank]

o    include a set of documentation / recommendations:

§  include an architecture blueprint and describe the relation to io-link, OPC-UA, Cloud etc.

§  should describe the functional use of the PPMP properties or create a data dictionary, glossar, onthology

§  how to project machine hierarchy (see prev. bullet)

§  should propose ways for further specialiazation / context. e.g. describe measurement value unit, datatype, offset, multiplier, accuracy etc.. Nevertheless, this shall not be included in every payload nor shall we reinvent io-link or other standards

·         make use of existing definitions, like UN/CEFACT [1]

·         review JSON schema extensions, Vorto, ditto to cover these extended information instead of including in PPMP payload itself [Axel]

§  how to send PPMP payload over REST / mqtt or other (deviceId in url/topic)

§  for converting to binary / protobuf [Axel]

§  how to convert / upgrade from previous PPMP version

o    shall define the length for all fields [Axel]

o    shall review the spelling of the fields (ID, Id, id,, part.partId etc)

o    can split operationalState into operationalMode and deviceState

o    can include a state (active, info, inactive) for events to indicate if an issue has just started or is over now

·         Unide

o    Unide 0.3.0 shall include a C (Alois?, Contact) binding. C# (Microsoft) binding and go binding (influx)

o    Bindings shall also be able to convert / upgrade from previous PPMP versions

o    Follow up with Benjamin & Microsoft regarding ways of working together (same goes for testbed)

o    Reach out to further interested parties (Promess, Trumpf, itac) [Axel]




Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Axel Meinhardt

(BCI/ECM2, Technical Lead Ecosystem)
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH | Ullsteinstr. 128 | 12109 Berlin | GERMANY
Tel. +49 30 726112486 | Mobil +49 173 5173094 | Fax +49 30 726112-100 |

Sitz: Berlin, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg; HRB 148411 B
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr.-Ing.
Thorsten Lücke; Geschäftsführung: Dr. Stefan Ferber, Michael Hahn


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